
How to get nasty funk out of leather watchband?

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I have a really cool leather watchband that is perfect for me as a firefighter because it passes all the way under the body of the watch, preventing any metal from touching my arm. Problem is, after a couple fires and a couple summertime car wrecks, the amount of sweat this watchband has seen is pretty impressive and it's just too stinky to wear anymore. Anyone know how to get such funk out of leather without ruining it, or is it time to trash it? Maybe someone has experience with the Birkenstock equivalent of Tevafeet or something like that...

Elvisio "thanks for listening" Rodriguez

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I've seen the same type made from the heavy nylon cordura straps...you can throw em in the wash or dishwasher!

funny...one of the reason I've stopped wearing watches - I too only liked the leather straps!

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No allergy, just heard from other firefighters that metal against your body (i.e. watches, or piercings) in a really hot fire can cause burns since the metal will conduct heat to your skin faster than your turnout gear even though they might be the same physical temperature. Haven't put it to the test yet becuase (GODDAMMIT) I haven't gotten my first structural entry yet, but I'd rather not find out the hard way...

Elvisio "sick of defensive attacks and brush fires" rodriguez

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Metal allergy? I went to metal-band watches several years ago to get away from watchstink.

I've got the metal allergy thing, yet own a couple watches that I like and just can't wear. Even with a surgical grade stainless back, the pins that watchmaker's use to connect bands to watches or links of a quality metal band are close enough to get to me, as are the clasps of most leather bands. I've heard many people tell me they know some jeweler who can fix this problem for me, but nobody has ever come through.

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