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If I'm at home, that's easy, take a shower or get a hand-towel and wash my butt-crack.

If elsewhere, I make sure there's enough toilet paper to tide me over.
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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Good Lord, this kind of thing could only happen to a man! Most women ALWAYS (or usually) check to see that there is adequate toilet paper before going into the restroom. If she has run out, she will ask the person in the stall next to her to pass her some toilet paper. Those disposable seat covers are a last resort, but they can work, if nothing else is available.

Then again, I am talking about bathroom trips for number one. Running out of toilet paper after number two sounds like a nightmare or a sick joke.

Where is that story that I read on here about some guy in a restaurant needing to use the restroom and getting sick only to have no TP? Does anyone know what I'm talking about? It was both DISGUSTING and hilarious!

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Yeah, I guess women need TP for #1 as well.

The prospect of asking a guy in the next stall for some toilet paper is just... well... uh... hrm... disturbing. :SB|

You're right about running out of TP after #2 being a nightmare, but necessity IS the mother of invention. Sometimes one has to make due without a sock, or underwear. :P

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To the person in the next stall, "Any toilet paper? Ummm... change for a 5 ?"

I think you just made anyone that's ever snorted using a dollar bill cringe. :|
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honestly that's never actually happened... and I'm in agreement with Dumpster's Shit house Rule #1

What he said. I always check first, and find another alternative if insufficient TP remains. :S

(drink Mountain Dew)

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