
to cool down...

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Depends on what kind of "heat" you're talking about. ;) :P

My God man, how long has it been??

Since the last time I was hot? About 10 minutes.

Since the last time I was in trouble with the cops? Since I was a teenager.

Since the last time I had the Miami basketball team chasing after me? I don't like to talk about it. :S

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Depends on what kind of "heat" you're talking about. ;) :P

My God man, how long has it been??

Since the last time I was hot? About 10 minutes.

Since the last time I was in trouble with the cops? Since I was a teenager.

Since the last time I had the Miami basketball team chasing after me? I don't like to talk about it. :S

Wow! ...the bats are busy in there today.:S
L.A.S.T. #24
Co-Founder Biscuit Brothers Freefly Team
Electric Toaster #3
Co-Founder Team Non Sequitor
Co-Founder Team Happy Sock

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Hawaii has all the best ways to cool down... Pacific ocean, frequent short rainstorms, trade winds. It also helps if you hang out on the windward side of the islands, unlike most of the silly haolies.
"People demand freedom of speech to make up for the freedom of thought which they avoid." - Kierkegaard

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How about jumping out of a hot tub to go rolling in the snow? I've always want to try that.

Work at the South Pole, and you can join the 300 club. Talk about cooling down:)

This post is from days gone by, but the polies still do a 300 club.

Frostbite and shrinkage...

Arch? I can arch just fine with my back to the ground.

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