
So if you were on a commercial airliner with your rig, and it did the Aloha Airlines convertible trick...

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This is why my boyfriend and I always have a plan in case of an in-flight emergency. Every time that we fly together we decide on what we will do if the plane explodes in mid-air and we're left alive but in freefall. (With no rig.)

We usually pick a direction to track to and both plan on tracking as far as possible. That way.. when they are investigating the accident people will be very confused about the two bodies that landed 6 miles away. (We're both good trackers.)


"Life is a temporary victory over the causes which induce death." - Sylvester Graham

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Lol last time I flew back from Brazil on my final leg of the trip from DC home I got moved to an emergency exit row. I was exhausted, my flight was delayed 8 hours in Sao Paulo and I just wanted to sleep. So before the plane even took off I was well passed out in the seat.

I got woken up by the flight attnd prior to take off to ask me if I had read the safety information card located in the seat pocket infront of me and if I had any questions about operating the door in the event of an emergency.

I kinda leaned up, eyes still half shut and said "Yeah, yell door and get out every man for himself right?

She kinda looked at me to which I responded "Don't worry, I've opened the door of a moving aircraft at least 1500 times, I'm sure this one is no different" And attempted to drift back to sleep.

Later on in the flight I got woken up for freaking peanutts and drinks... Grrr. At this point now the lady next to me had notied the Freefly pimp shirt and my gear bag infront of me with it's patches and names on it. She said "If something happens I trust you're gonna take me with too" hahaha

It was a good flight
<--- See look, pink dolphins DO exist!

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It looks like the over head compartment, where the rig would have probably been stored, is missing.

Your choices would be slim.

If it were under my seat and available, and the other people didn't grab all the handles trying to take it from me etc ... hell yeah I'd put it on. Don't know if it would be feasible to get out but given an oppurtunity and location *water or land* then bye bye.

You would end up on the missing persons/presumed dead list so you could create a new identity.
My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto

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A couple of missed points . . .

If you jump and live and then something unrelated to your jump brings the plane down and kills everyone - guess who's gonna get the blame - that's right - you!

I would deal with the blame coming out the winner in a gunfight..... plus I'd classify it as a free jump ticket. As I recall, I'm not sure, passengers said they saw a crack in the side of the airframe as the were boarding but thought nothing of it. :S

Dependent on the spot though. It was over water at the time.

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A couple of missed points . . .

If you jump and live and then something unrelated to your jump brings the plane down and kills everyone - guess who's gonna get the blame - that's right - you!

Also, Aloha Airlines is an inter-island carrier and chances are if you survived the exit you'd wind up shark bait anyway . . .

NickD :)BASE 194

Yeah, they can blame all they want, but without evidence? Meh. Then again, this is America post-9/11, who needs a trial anyway?

As for shark bait, shiiit. I'd knock the leader out and make it clear to the rest I expect a ride to shore, double-time.
cavete terrae.

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Also, Aloha Airlines is an inter-island carrier and chances are if you survived the exit you'd wind up shark bait anyway . . .

NickD :)BASE 194

MMMMMMMMM............Shark bait. Its finger lickin'good.:ph34r::ph34r::P
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