
Tall guys or short guys

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according to MTV, girls like;
A blinged out grill
A trippin ride
A fly fly flippity fly
Lots of "Cheddah"

You forgot $money$ - or is that 'cheddah'? :D

Tall, short, skinny, fat... money trumps all! ;)

Shhh... you hear that sound? That's the sound of nobody caring!

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I have a very strong opinion about this... Not that it is for everyone, or that my preference is the right one, but I have a rule that developed after my divorce that put restrictions on the height of men I would become serious with... Of course me "playing the field" didn't hold the height restrictions, but in my experience the taller men were just for me in a serious relationship, and the "Little man syndrome" was thankfully then ruled out for sure. ;) ... not that all shorter men had the "little man syndrome" It had been; though, with my experience a few times, and I didn't want to deal with it anymore, so it is now my preference to know I'm ruling it out by being with a taller man. Besides that, I've just always been more attracted to the taller of the male species. I rule out any man my height or below, and prefer a man at least 6' :)B|:P:)
That is all.... and that is it. :)
My mind is like a parachute...it functions only when open.

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If I get the shin stretching surgery I might be able to break 5 feet!!!!! would you consider me then?:)

ummm... no, I don't think so. :S I've tried to get a couple of men to add a few inches with surgery when I really felt a connection... but it just makes them bitter. :D:D:)
My mind is like a parachute...it functions only when open.

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An illness afflicting men of modest stature who feel that their masculinity is undermined by their shocking lack of inches - so to speak. Common symptoms include excessive shouting, hyperactive kicking, randomly swung punches, inflated hair styles, loud attire, random screaming of "ah fukkin' seen ye" or "aye ye fukkin' did", a pre-emptive approach to taking the piss, getting into fights on work nights out, and furious RAGE caused by Martin Hedley, the nob-end.

Mr. Boyd suffered from Angry Little Man Syndrome due to the flattened nature of his footwear. He attemped to compensate with huge tie knots, hyperactive behaviour and a pre-emptive piss take strategy.


My former chemistry teacher suffered from Angry Little Man Syndrome because he was a snivelling worm who abused his wife.

Of course I can sit here and add many issue's I found present in the men experiences I've had with being short in toe... but I would have to write a very long post that nobody would want to read, so we'll leave it at that. ;)
My mind is like a parachute...it functions only when open.

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I @#$!#$* KNEW IT!!!!

Women do prefer taller men for a number of reasons. After interviewing 40 females from different backgrounds I was able to understand why taller men were more prefered.

The most significant reason was that taller men seem to display a sense of security for a woman. They feel more protected and unconcioulsly women see them as a better choice to father their child. Keep in mind this doesnt speak for the entire female population, just the 40 women that I was lucky enough to interview.

I am glad you all gave me your honest opinions Im off to China for my to get a height extension operation:ph34r: Thanks

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