
Do you prefer new a home or a used home?

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Development has exploded here in Fresno. It apparently has gone nuts pretty much everywhere. As I drive through town, though, I see all of these new housing developments. I really prefer the older houses.

Buying a used house isn't like buying a used car. Older houses seem to get better with age. Newer houses don't seem to. Older houses seemed to have a quality to them - workmanship and other things. Add to that that even though older houses are usually smaller, they have bigger yards, mature vegetation, and actually have more than six feet between them and the neighbors.

I do know that plenty of people like new houses. What side do you fall on?

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Being a single woman, I purchased a new home so I wouldn't have to worry about fixing anything for awhile. It's all covered by warranties. I don't really like the way that new home neighborhoods look though, but it's what was the most practical for me.
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Considering I just built a house in the past year, I'm going to have to vote that way. But I didn't go for the tract housing. I hate the way those neighborhoods look. But they seem to be all the rage. My house is on just over an acre, and the neighborhood is being built by custom builders so the majority of the houses are unique. Of course there are the two houses with the same exact floorplan. And if that isn't bad enough, THEY ARE RIGHT NEXT DOOR TO EACH OHTER! Can only imagine the thought process that went into making that decision. "I don't know what kind of house I want. Tell you what, just build me that one. Der Da Der!

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I like both. We bought a new one and yes it's cool to not have to worry about fixing stuff for awhile but like you said, our neighbors are up our butts and our yard is about the size of our 1 car garage. Hell around here, I'm happy just to HAVE a yard.

Some older houses are cool - but again, they can have their issues depending on how well they were cared for and the construction requirements at the time they were built. I think of these lovely homes in Oceanside, CA a couple blocks from the beach, sitting on these cool ass hillsides built in the mid 50s. About a year ago, they all went crumbling down the hillside (arguments continue about whether it was old leaking pipes, overwatering by residents or construction that wasn't up to par).

Each has it's pluses and minuses but all and all, I agree that the older the better - not to mention WAY more character and they don't all look exactly the same.

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I'd have to go with a used home. I've had both and I agree, older homes are made better for the most part. I've seen neighborhoods go up overnight and I wonder how good the quality could be. Also, when we purchased a new home you have to wait for the "settling" and get workers to come through your house several times to fix nail pops and such that are bound to happen with a new house.
Ashley Martin

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Being a single woman, I purchased a new home so I wouldn't have to worry about fixing anything for awhile. It's all covered by warranties. I don't really like the way that new home neighborhoods look though, but it's what was the most practical for me.

What she said. :)
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The biggest problem with new homes is they are all in subdivisions with goofy covenants: No RV's, no clotheslines, no running naked in your front yard. ;)

My place is only 10 years old but it came with a one year warranty.
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We like really old homes. 100 year + conversions. But, there aint those everywhere!

I hear there are some cliff dwellings close to you. You should check those out.;):P
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I was shocked the last time we were in Fresno - its gotten so much bigger than just 7 years ago when I first visited. My mother-in-law can sell her house for more than double what she paid for it in '97 - its crazy!

Regarding the new vs. old debate... in New England new construction is so rare that the only new construction that seems to go up goes for over a million dollars.

We're in the process of buying a house and we're looking for houses less than 20 years old or older homes that have had major renovations. We just had a deal fall through on an older home (1910) that had tons of renovations when we found out during the inspection that Powder Post Beetle had eaten the entire wood sill on the foundation and the house was in danger of collapsing... that inspection was the best $400 I ever spent :|

Arianna Frances

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yeah we got ours built. been in about 7 months now.well we closed on it the 20th of dec.as soon as they got the wood floors down tammy (my wife) put up a christmas tree. so we did make it for christmas.new or used means a lot in the price though.it is nice however not to have to worry about anything though.although i have probably spent too much on art.im a big michael parkes fan

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