
World cup SOCCER

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yes, a bunch of us are heading to the bar now to watch the game.. hate to say it but i am rooting for the FrenchCrazy if i want to see bad acting i will watch a charlie sheen movie


Hey, come on. America LOVES bad acting.
You think they could put Italy's World Cup in the same trophy case with Marisa Tomei's Oscar for My Cousin Vinny?

P.S. Zidane....Zidane.....Zidane.......tsk tsk tsk...
Couldn't you find some other way to get into the history books before you retire?:S
OrFunV/LocoBoca Rodriguez/Sonic Grieco/Muff Brother #4411
-"and ladies....messin with Robbie is venturing into territory you cant even imagine!-cuz Robbie is

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Anybody know what was said/done that led him to lose his cool like that?

btw - One of the announcers on the channel I was watching...British announcer...referred to an Italian embellishing hitting the turf near the end of the game as "embarrassing".

I'm glad the World Cup is over. I have to say I'm sick of seeing these guys (not just the Italians...although I think they are pretty bad) rolling around on the field like they are dying after light contact.

I can't wait for hockey to start again so I can watch guys like Ryan Smyth get 5 teeth knocked out and come back on the ice to finish the game. Tough.

"No tyranny is so irksome as petty tyranny: the officious demands of policemen, government clerks, and electromechanical gadgets." - Edward Abbey

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I played 4 years of college soccer and had no problem with yelling at my own teammates to "Either take off your fucking purse and play the game like a man, or leave the god damned pitch".

I HATE people who take dives in any sport.
cavete terrae.

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I played 4 years of college soccer and had no problem with yelling at my own teammates to "Either take off your fucking purse and play the game like a man, or leave the god damned pitch".

I HATE people who take dives in any sport.


I agree - but the trouble is many get away with it, get some advantage for their team. And the rules requiring a yellow card for 'diving' are not always enforced, so there is every incentive to dive and try for a free kick or penalty..

I'm NOT totally useless... I can be used as a bad example

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Congratulations, You said they would do it and you where totally right, right from the start.


Congratulations, You said they would do it and you where totally right, right from the start.

Thanks ginge -- you seem to be the only sport here! Sounds like a bunch of sore losers anywhere else in this thread.








CAMPIONI SIAMOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! B|B|:D:D:D

Be humble, ask questions, listen, learn, follow the golden rule, talk when necessary, and know when to shut the fuck up.

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I'll give credit for you liking them all the time. However, most of their fans know about as much about the sport as Stevie Wonder knows about sniping, and are just bandwagon fans.

I still maintain no player who took a dive, on any team, has anything to be proud of.
cavete terrae.

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I'll give credit for you liking them all the time. However, most of their fans know about as much about the sport as Stevie Wonder knows about sniping, and are just bandwagon fans.

I still maintain no player who took a dive, on any team, has anything to be proud of.

Then why would you root for France? See this post.

And I still maintain that my team did not dive in our game vs. your team. We played great football and earned our fourth star. Period.

Regarding your comment about my fans, well, you obviously don't know many Italians. We live and breathe this sport. It's in our blood. I honestly don't know how you could say what you did about our fans, and I'll just chalk it up to a comment based on the narrow scope of your personal experiences.

We are the champions.

Good day to ya mate.

Be humble, ask questions, listen, learn, follow the golden rule, talk when necessary, and know when to shut the fuck up.

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I was rooting for France because I did not want Italy to win, not because I thought they were a better team.

If you don't think it was a dive, you are either biased or were not watching closely, in my opinion.

I didn't say Italians, I mean most of the AMERICANS who are basing their fandom on being "italian", when they've never been out of America, can't speak Italian, and are taking pride in things they have nothing to do with.
cavete terrae.

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What did you think of Malouda's dive in this game? That was the most flagrant one of the tournament.

edited to add:

I didn't say Italians, I mean most of the AMERICANS who are basing their fandom on being "italian", when they've never been out of America, can't speak Italian, and are taking pride in things they have nothing to do with.

That I can agree 100% with -- as a first generation Italian, that irritates me too.

Be humble, ask questions, listen, learn, follow the golden rule, talk when necessary, and know when to shut the fuck up.

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I thought it made him look like as much of a pussy as anyone else who dives, just as I thought of anyone on the American or Australia team who took a dive. Diving is giving up. I have no respect for people who give up.
cavete terrae.

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Merde, Merde, Merde!

Not the result I wanted. I'd love to know what was said to provoke Zidane into such an out-of-character act. Horrible to reduce yourself to that on the doorstep of retirement (or anytime for that matter). Full points for playing on with a dislocated shoulder before that though, gosh that magic spray they put on everything does wonders! haha

Ribery was the man of the game for the french in my opinion, every time I saw him he was running and making an effort to create chances, but with nobody up front to finish them it's all wasted effort. What is with Henry though? seriously what kind of 'world class' striker is left pouting midway up the field while his team mates are attempting an attack in the box? at least twice, maybe three times he was completely out of play when they had an opportunity, and would it kill him to run or defend a little? Was he missing a leg? What was going on there?

Ah well, the penalty that wasn't a penalty and the one that went begging that was... the diving and face clutching, the shirt pulling in the box, the potential offsides (how amazing was that free kick and header from the Italians that got denied though). The boring defensive play on both accounts... Anyway over again for another 4 years, shame the theatrics and questionable ref-ing plays such a big part in the cup. I'm pretty dissapointed overall with the quality of goals and attacking moves, seems more teams are playing the defensive game and opting to gain the easy free kick or penalty... I guess that shit wins in the end, whether it's deserved or not :(:(:( ...Lowest count for a golden boot winner ever I believe? Where have the ideals gone?

Can I ask people... I've been watching the world game for longer than I can remember, I grew up on it, but were the diving, cheating and theatrics always this bad? Did I just not understand because I was too young? or is it getting worse? I mean there have always been nations who are notorius for that kind of thing but it seems like more and more players are going for the low moral road...

And you shed not a single tear for the things that you didn't need
'Cause you knew you were finally free - Death Cab For Cutie

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Congratulations on your team. I do not agree that the best team won in this particular game (but, as you have noticed, I am far from being impartial, and I may be totally wrong), but Italy won nonetheless, and I tip my hat to them. There are 2 teams I will (remotely) accept losing to, Brasil and Italy.
This said, You guys stole it, and better bank it in...



"For once you have tasted Absinthe you will walk the earth with your eyes turned towards the gutter, for there you have been and there you will long to return."

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Anybody know what was said/done that led him to lose his cool like that?

Apparently, according to the British commentators, when the Italian guy held him around the chest, the Italian MAY have tweaked Zidane's nipple....

Personally, the sight of grown men who earn £100,000 a week kicking a ball around crying coz they lost is pathetic.

Australia came under fire this past weekend for posting a photo of the All Blacks (New Zealand rugby team) doing the Haka carrying handbags (superimposed onto a photo and put on the net). The joke should have been made on the footballing teams in the World Cup.

Being back here in London, there was no escape from the "scenes" of England losing their World Cup match against Portugal. It was the top story on all of the evening news broadcasts even though British soldiers had been killed that day in Afghanistan (that story came top of the second half of the news broadcast and only lasted a couple of minutes - the first half of news for top stories lasts 15 mins and those mins were taken up by England's loss in the World Cup :S).

The English team sat around crying and only the substitue captain went around shaking the Portugese players' hands. Where was the sportmanship? The lack of sportsmanship was highlighted in Wayne "Shrek" Rooney's red card. Rooney stamped on a Porteguse player's genitals (apparently for "balance"). If Ronaldo had not gone up to the Ref (apparently English players do not do that.....) and if the Ref had not have been Argentinian (.......) and Ronaldo did not apparently wink at his bench...... then England would have won against the Portugese.

France were doing quite well in the sportsmansip stakes in the WC final, until Zidane got red carded.
I really hope that in the upcoming World Skydiving Meet there are no tears or bad sportsmanship for those teams that don't win gold.

aka: LizBits www.omniskore.com

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Congratulations on your team. I do not agree that the best team won in this particular game (but, as you have noticed, I am far from being impartial, and I may be totally wrong), but Italy won nonetheless, and I tip my hat to them. There are 2 teams I will (remotely) accept losing to, Brasil and Italy.

Grazie Nick. If you remember, I said a while back that your team could very well go all the way, and you damn near did. If there was one team I was fearing most in the tournament, it was France, given your massive lineup and our recent record against you guys. I honestly didn't think we could win vs. Zidane & co. again -- he's been the "bestia nera" for us for a long time now...

But I also said that the scandal would somehow help us, and it did. It feels great to be champions again.


This said, You guys stole it, and better bank it in...

If I were to take this comment seriously, I'd ask you if you could honestly say to yourself that you did *not* steal the cup with Malouda's dive had Materazzi not equalised (that dive was by far the most flagrant of the tournament). But instead, I will take your comment as one made in jest.

Cheers and thanks for being a sport. :D

Be humble, ask questions, listen, learn, follow the golden rule, talk when necessary, and know when to shut the fuck up.

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The penalty kick was, at best, generous. I agree with that much. Zidane deserved a red card, regardless of what happened.
Italy played a really good game; they were really dangerous in the first half, and held on in the second half and the extra time.
I, like many, hate penalty kicks. We won some before (1986, 1998, etc...), and will lose many in the future.
Oh well...
I just wish I could have tasted the blood of the asshole who drove his car in the parking lot of the French Café I went to after the game, waving his flag and honking his (gay) horn...>:(;)

"For once you have tasted Absinthe you will walk the earth with your eyes turned towards the gutter, for there you have been and there you will long to return."

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What did you think of Malouda's dive in this game? That was the most flagrant one of the tournament.

edited to add:


I didn't say Italians, I mean most of the AMERICANS who are basing their fandom on being "italian", when they've never been out of America, can't speak Italian, and are taking pride in things they have nothing to do with.

That I can agree 100% with -- as a first generation Italian, that irritates me too.

...Forgive my AMERICAN ignorance of the sport. But I don't know that I saw you on the pitch. What position were you playing again....?:ph34r::D:ph34r:
OrFunV/LocoBoca Rodriguez/Sonic Grieco/Muff Brother #4411
-"and ladies....messin with Robbie is venturing into territory you cant even imagine!-cuz Robbie is

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I just wish I could have tasted the blood of the asshole

are you a hemoroid sucker ?? :|

Let me tell ya Piishy.... it was a pretty frightening sight.... it was like the devil was inside Nico - eye's were ablaze. I feared my life for the mere fact that my name is Italian. :o

"Let's do something romantic this Saturday... how bout we bust out the restraints?"
Raddest Ho this side of Jersey #1 - MISS YOU
OMG, is she okay?

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> I have to say I'm sick of seeing these guys (not just the Italians...although I think they are pretty bad) rolling around on the field like they are dying after light contact
OK, my friend, it's pretty obvious that you are NOT keen on soccer.
Let's state it clear: yes, it's true that 50% of players moaning on the ground they are "acting" hoping" to get a free kick/penalty from referee.
The other 50% of players moaning are really hurt.
If you haven't really played soccer, nor followed it as a fan, you cannot imagine how easy is to get hurt in lower limbs in soccer.
You play the ball with lower limbs, you "can" stop opposite player by kicking/contrasting them in the lower limbs, it is so easy to get seriously injured to your: shin/knee/ankle/thigh.
In a contact game, as hockey/(american) football/rugby, you can stop opposite players by mean of phisycally stopping them but not exactly at their lower limbs (in hockey you are well protected), so, yes, in (american) football you can put opposite down but necessesarily kicking them in the legs; yes indeed, american football is NOT a sport for sissies, but there is no need of stopping a player by kicking him in the ankles or knees or similar.
So, these above sports, being "contact" sports, it is quite obvious that you can get injured while practising/playing them.
Soccer is NOT a contact game in the sense that according to the rules, you CANNOT touch a player if he hasn't got the ball, but obviously contacts they do happen, and often the offending player live in the subtle gray area of "opposite has got the ball"/"opposite is about to get the ball"/"opposite has NOT got the ball", and so in soccer contacts do happen.
Finally, it is so easy for a "bad"/"crap" defender to stop an outstanding attacker simply kicking in the ankles. And once the outstanding player is nearly injured at his ankles, the above outstanding player becomes Mr. Nobody for the rest of that match...... It's NOT lack of balls, rather than it is so easy to get injured at your legs in soccer.
So a "mild" contact sport as soccer can reveal itself pretty "bad" as far as lower limbs injuries are concerned.
You wouldn't expect soccer has got so a high number of ankle/knees injuries.
Just my 0.02€
Stay safe out there
Blue Skies and Soft Walls
BASE #689 - base_689AT_NO_123_SPAMyahoo.com

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Congrats to the Italians. I'll state that the dive by Malouda was pretty flagrant. It was brutal. And I can't help but think that the ref decided to look the other way on the pretty obvious penalty on Henry in the box.

I actually thought the game was great, and I believe that the French decided ultimately to use Italy's strength against it. Italy's defense swarms. France used ball control. It was pretty obvious toward the end of regulation that the Italians were getting spent. It was then that I saw more dives but I didn't have a problem with those - those players on both sides were bloody tired. 10 seconds on the ground could be a needed rest. if you can draw a foul for it, even better.

So, ironically, I saw some dives that I didn't mind. I understood them as actually serving a legitimate purpose to give some rest.

The French seemed to pretty much dominate. Nobody had that many scoring chances against the Italians. Nobody pressured the Italians like that. Nobody bent the Italian defense the way the French bent it.

The Italians did not break. An amazing showing by the team. They bent and didn't break.

Bravo to the Italians.

Zizzou - what the hell were you thinking (or not thinking). Another poster commented that it's out of character for him to do something like that. Well, it "has been" out of his character recently, but he wasn't exactly a saint. I believe he was booted for a nasty kick against an arabian team in the 1998 World Cup.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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It was a good game. I felt Italy commanded the 1st 1/2, but from the half time on, France really played well and controled the game.

The reffing was so-so: not very consistant.

In the end, it was decided by a missed PK...

Congrats Italy!

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