
Whats your Name and what do you do for a living?

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Im John and Im a police officer for a suburb of Dallas for 13 years. I currently work narcotics investigations. I also work part time packing YOUR parachutes at the DZ, so you can make that one more load!
Ive got 260 jumps, mostly RW but learning to freefly. Hope to fly some camera soon
PS - Best thing about skydivers is they dont seem to have those anti-cop bias's like the rest of the world. When Im there,Im just another jumper/part of the family

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My name is Deva - I'm a Senior Business Analyst (whatever that means...) for a medical software company in Dallas.
Like our friend Joe Deal - I dare someone to come up with a joke about my name that I haven't heard yet! :)80 jumps - any type as long as it's fun!

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my name is Dave, I'm a mechanical engineer for a very large company (GE). I currently work in florida (till the end of the year), my home is in Troy NY (way upstate) and I jump at Cross Keys (where my team is based). It gets confusing at times... hey check out our website http://www.teamjetstream.com click refresh if you've been before.

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This is a great idea!
My name's Larissa, I live in Melbourne, Australia and I work in the Visitor Programs section at Melbourne Museum (admin & project stuff)...so if you're ever in Melbourne come in and say "hello"... I'm also a writer (one short story published in an anthology) and I'm doing postgraduate study in archaeology...

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I feel like i should tell you guys more about me with all these kinda big responses.
ok here goes.
I was born and raised in Amite Louisiana I lived there until i was 19 when i moved out to California (Vista to be exact) to go to school and help take care of my 98 and 90 year old grandparents. My first jump took place almost exactly a year ago at Skydive Elsinore. I didn't jump again until like a month ago b/c of school and other stuff. but i am currently waiting to do my lvl 3 this weekend and if i can swing it maybe my lvl 4 aswell.
Remember when Sex was safe and skydiving was Dangerous?

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My name is Josh Tucker. I sit in a chair and stare at a wall for 8 hours a day to make money to jump again. I used to hate it but after reading this thread I have realized that my job ROCKS! You silly people, you actually DO stuff at your job. Haaaaaaaaa!!!
"One can never consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar" - Helen Keller

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Hope you can figure out my name. I'm a computer geek for The Large Telecom company in the Southeast. I was in the military for ten years but decided not to stay. Skymonkeyone was one of the many fine JM's that taught me to skydive at the Green Beret Sport Parachute Activity at Ft. Bragg. Thanks Guys! I already bought beer!!! and no Greg you cant smoke all my cigarettes!!!!!!!!!

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My name is Dan Korn and I'm an altiholic. This fall I'll be a sophomore at Princeton University, where I study skydiving websites, skydiving movies, skydiving clubs, and procrastination. I'll probably major in Politics, with a minor in Computer Science. Right now I'm living at home, taking summer courses at the good old U of SC, and working part-time as an SCS (Server Crashing Specialist) for a large real estate law firm. I'm trying to decide between earning a rigging ticket or a CCNA in the next 2 years.
Shout out to BrokenEagle for the title abstracting - have you ever done work for Dan Bridgers in Conyers? And have you taken a picture of every county courthouse in the state and put it up on your wall yet? ;)
Blues, squares,
"Beer: the OTHER other white meat."

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Mike, is that the company that was featuere in Wired last month?

Uhhh.. I don't know who was featured.. My company is Flight Options(www.flightoptions.com).. There are 3 other major fractionals - Netjets(aka Executive Jet Aviation), Flexjet(aka Bombardier Business Jet Solutions), and Raytheon Travel Air.. Which was it?

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Hi, my name is Rob Warner. I quit my real job so long ago that I can't remember what it was. Now they pay me to jump out of a perfectly good King Air with tandem students. When we run out of tandems, they send me up in the Cessnas with PFF students. When the other lazy bums forget to show up for work, I drop IAD students out of the Cessnas. Finally, when it rains, I try to catch up with the backlog in the loft.

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I'm a lurker but this is just to fun. Neil ( skip classes ) peterson. I'm an all around IT computer geek, basically support with a large dash of network admin duties. 4 tandem jumps with AFP at Skydive spaceland in the NEAR future.
you people rock...

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First time poster and thought this cool thread of introductions was the appropriate time to jump in. My name is Matt and reside in Northern Virginia. I am a network admin/help desk support technician at a gov't research facility. I am pretty much a first time skydiver too....one tandem jump at Skydive Orange. I am starting my AFF progression next month (hopefully the first weekend of Aug.). I am so STOKED!
Been reading the forum threads for about two months and you all make it a place I look forward to visiting on a daily basis! Thank you! Between DZ.com and Poynter's book, I am soaking up as much info as possible. Looking forward to engaging in future threads.

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My name's Wesley Womack. I'm a poor college student at the University of Georgia. I'm studying Management Information Systems and hope to be a programmer or consultant or something of that nature. Anything I can make good money at so I can skydive on the weekends.
P.S. I'm poor. Send me money please...
I'll see you at 13,5 amongst the clouds.

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My name is Leslie and I'm an alcoholic, oh wait, no I'm not - I don't go to meetings.
I'm an Account Executive for United Messaging - we outsource large company's email systems. I have a home office and often am found sneaking out around noon to survey the dropzone scene. Now if only I got cell reception at Otay I could work from the plane!

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