
Shaiziel's Official Unlimited Tortoise-speed Skydiving Progress Thread

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Since I made a small step (no step is too small in my opinion) forward today on my journey towards my A license, I decided I would begin this thread which will serve as my little niche of DZ.com for posting my progress so I wouldn't have to make new threads all the time. ;)

It will be slow, tedious, and essentially comprised of my endeavor to finance the goal, but nonetheless, I will persist. Even if I only make a step or two ever month.

I was just thinking today about how I've really found a goal and a direction with skydiving and it came out of nowhere. But I know something that can be helpful for achieving your goals is developing some accountability to people outside yourself. So that's what this thread is. It will help me keep track of my progress, and keep anyone who couldn't find anything better to do informed of it as well. ;)

So without any further adieu...

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5/13/06 - Made my first tandem jump about 1 month after having the idea to go skydiving.

6/5/06 - Deposited $90 into my ING Direct savings account which will serve the exclusive purpose of holding my training funds.

My financial goal is to save up $2200 for my AFF course. ("STP" if I end up going to Spaceland, semantics I know) This includes more than just the cost of the program.

Money-wise, I am now 4.1% of the way to my goal. It's hilarious that I look at that as a really big number! I blame downloading skydiving videos on dial-up! :S :D

That's all for now folks! ;)
6.8% - Almost there!

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No. I'll save that for PM's to you.

I can see it now :D

"Hey Bobbi, its about 2:30 here. I heeded nature's call again. Results were similar to yesterday if you'll remember. Brown, smelly... left me a little unsatisfied. Felt like I didn't quite empty the tanks. We'll see how things come out later.

Here's the picture

(link to poo picture)
6.8% - Almost there!

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Great thing is, she could have exchanged defecation for masturbation.

"Yeah, watched the same video I told you about yesterday. Being on dial-up I'm definitely glad I have plenty of material to kinda cycle through. I must say, the Drunk Girl Mardi Gras video is in my top 5, maybe top 3."

6.8% - Almost there!

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Aww, I was looking forward to it.

A couple of my friends got camera phones at the same time. They thought it was pretty amusing to send me pictures of their day's work. I think it stopped being funny when I sent them one of my own every day!


Plus if you've ever seen the movie "Waiting", just thinking about playing "the game" via cell phone. :D
6.8% - Almost there!

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i thought this thread was for your finavcial endevours towards your AFF course. Try not to litter it with irrelevant stuff, more people will probably read it then;)
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
My Life ROCKS!
How's yours doing?

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Shaiziel's Official Unlimited Tortoise-speed Skydiving Progress Thread

You baggin' on me boy?

I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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So does Emigrant Direct. But I already had the ING account established from long ago. In the future I may transfer, but right now, with such small amounts of money, quarters and halves of percents are insignificant. ;)
6.8% - Almost there!

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So I reasoned that if I work one our of overtime everday between now and the first week of November, that equals $1200. Of course when I adjust for income taxes I'll probably be more like $900 if I save all my overtime money.

That being said... my new regimen is to work an hour of overtime everyday and deposit $8-10/day into my savings. Over a 20 day work month that comes out to about... $180 per month that will come strictly from overtime.

I'm definitely planning on spending less on lunch as well. (Insert typical Ramen joke) This week I went with sandwiches (2 per day, though I may cut it down to 1) and dinners are usually provided by the parents unless my dad is out of town. (Mom don't cook when dad's gone.)

Anyway... I will be depositing my overtime money daily (so long as ING lets me) so that should help me feel good about the progress factor.

I'm thinking there will be a good chance I won't have met my monetary goal by the end of the year so I may end up waiting until early year. But I'm not slowing my pace as a result.

As anyone may have read, my insurance went down $40/mo so I will be depositing at an additional $40 into savings every time my insurance is due.

I'm definitely hoping having this goal to save for the purpose of skydiving will help me in the future for saving for other things if not just to save in general.

Good stuff. But that's all for now. 4.5% today!
6.8% - Almost there!

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Finding jobs that are worthwhile and will allow me to work from 6:30p-11p (7:30p-11p on Tuesdays, off on Thursdays and Sundays) are few and far between. But if I found one, I wouldn't turn it down.

I could conceivably work everyone's late night except for thursday (each night of the week, one of us stays til 7) but I don't know if that's doable. At this point, I'm up for it and when my boss get's back from surgery, I'll probably ask him about it.
6.8% - Almost there!

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you could always be a sex slave like me, I get paid by the inch, damn good money and all cash. If its not a option for you, do pizza delivery its usually late night and make some tips in cash!! :)
Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes clean to the bone!

I like to start my day off with a little Ray of Soulshine™!!

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<<< I get paid by the inch>>

Wouldn't that be inch-hour, kind of like how electricity is measured? Pussy should come with an inch-hour meter so one can tell how much pipe's been laid :P.

something tells me some chicks wouldn't want that kind of meter visible ;)

MB 3528, RB 1182

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So the itch tells me daily that it must be scratched. It's getting bad. I have the feelings of wanting to save the money and do it all at once. But I also have the feelings of wanting to get into it now!

I know I could do it either way. And I continually re-evaluate the benefits of both. Heck, I'm thinking about how I would do it just to give some sensation of making progress that goes beyond the monetary factor.

I'm up to $150 in my savings account. That's almost the cost of the first SL/IAD jump. I suppose that's what has really been getting at me. Just thinking "Holy crap, I could schedule my first solo jump for later this month!" Well... you know how it is/was I'm sure.

Besides making pretty steady progress with my saving money, I re-evaluated my level of debt.

I owe:

$2250 - car loan (9 months left)
$11xx - income tax/computer loan (9 months left)
$2000 - parents for car down payment (this will be paid off 5 months after my car, with my current plan)
$500 -- post graduation road trip (paid off first week in September)

So in total, $5800 which will last roughly the next year at my current income level.

Now a point of mention is that my goal for saving, is just a wee bit more than what I owe my parents. So I have the idea in me to save the money and give it to them when I reach $2000. That would essentially bring my time left until debt free to 9 months if I can save up the $2000 in 9 months (which I am almost certain is the case) Of course this would set my skydiving funds back to zero.

I plan on being at a higher income level by then so I think it would only be a matter of 4-5 months after that before I could just take my week or two off and spend it on a skydiving vacation. A problem with that would be that I don't foresee myself to be capable of doing the vacation deal as my job position will most likely require me to not do it as to avoid 2 weeks worth of work to get backed up. It's just the nature of the job so I will most likely be relegated to spending the weekends going through training. Nothing shocking there to ya'll I'm sure.

But I would probably still want to wait until I get back up to $2000 saved so that I can move through training as quickly as possible (and spend part of my then newly freed up paycheck on tunnel-time)

Anyway, longwinded I know but I needed to get it all typed out to make more sense of it all. Luckily I can keep from thinking about gear for a LONG time as that will probably be yet another larger financial goal to look forward to setting.

So with this post, I've made 1.3% progress towards my goal of saving $2200. 6.8% baby!
6.8% - Almost there!

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