
Seat belt usage

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Just remember, the seatbelt will probably feel a little confining at first; but it won't take long to get used to. Plus your vehicle is designed for optimum comfort. So give it your best shot! Then you can start nagging your hunny.B|



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OK, at first I was pissed you added to my post in your quote, as those were not my numbers, Mr!

Next time I'll separate them. Kinda like this.


Though, if you've read me at all, you'd know NOOOOOOO LAMBSKIN, meat-eater!>:(

Ah, I forget you are a granola chick. ;) I changed it to fake lambskin or wool. Of course I like my baby seal fur ones, they match the brown baby seal eyes I use for headlights. ;)


And how short am I? DAMN YOU. I consider myself tall---5'8" to be exact.

Easy there munchkin, ;) You may just have the seat too far back or leaned too far back if you can't reach things.


Please, let it be noted, that only I can dislike, talk shit and be pissed at my father for anything, though. The rest of you, should you think about commenting on that, can place your lips upon my ASS.

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Speaking of comfort, these days, I wish they had options for a 5-pt harness system. I would go through that much trouble for the added safety. I always think about the fact that in a wreck, the entire inertial force of my torso will be pressed upon a single strip of fabric about 3 inches wide. I can't get over the fact that I am almost certain ribs would break at sufficient speed. :S
6.8% - Almost there!

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I like my baby seal fur ones, they match the brown baby seal eyes I use for headlights.

As a matter of fact, I have a "Save the Seals" sticker on my bandaid holder I keep in my bag. And, I don't buy fish from Canada. :)

You might (GOSH!;)) just have the seat too far back or leaned too far back if you can't reach things

My legs are long---Long legs and as expressed in a previous thread I like to have my seat back where my arm can fully extend to the top of the steering wheel as I often drive "homie-style";)

I haven't yet tried the seat belt in my Sequoia, though. I will keep you posted...:P
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You might (GOSH!;)) just have the seat too far back or leaned too far back if you can't reach things

Touche :)
Stupidity if left untreated is self-correcting
If ya can't be good, look good, if that fails, make 'em laugh.

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OK, so this afternoon we went looking at property and at first, admitedly I forgot:o.

But I DID remember eventually after about 5 minutes and wore my safety belt diligently for the entire trip.;)

It didn't completely suck.

And that's all I have to say about that...:P
Paint me in a corner, but my color comes back.

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Dream away;)

The trial period is still on. Yesterday I was shot gun. Today, I'll actually be driving so I will once again endeavor in my safety belt trial period.

I started checking out every car that passed when we were out yesterday, to take a quick tally of how many people actually wear them, vs. the ones that don't. I would say about 75% had them on. The remaining 25% were usually in cars that it would seem to me they needed them the most:D

We have a Harley too, though. Are you mad that sometimes just tooling around the beach we don't wear helmets?>:(

Paint me in a corner, but my color comes back.

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I rarely wear one except when I'm riding in someone else's car and they want me to...and when I get a whiff of cops on the lookout in states that require them.

I always insisted that my son wear one, though...no belt, no moving.
My reality and yours are quite different.
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i use mine always (even on the back seats)
my question is... do u use the seat belt for safety or because is mandatory?
i have a lot of friends who use it only because it`s mandatory (sad)

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my question is... do u use the seat belt for safety or because is mandatory?

As a new user (:D) I can certainly say I buckled in yesterday for safety.

I tend to only abide by rules & laws that fancy me:P
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Last week I represented a man at a Coroner's Inquest who was involved in a fatal head on collision earlier this year.

He was wearing his seatbelt. He walked away from the accident and gave evidence at the inquest despite the fact that his car suffered significantly more serious damage than the other.

The woman in the other car was not wearing a seatbelt. The police accident reconstruction determined that each car was going no more than 30mph at impact.

The 22 year old woman in the other car died at the scene. She was traveling home from work early because she was suffering from morning sickness. Her unborn baby died with her. Her first daughter was due to celebrate her first birthday the next day and a party was already planned.

She was traveling at 30mph along the road she took every day from work to home. She wasn't wearing her seatbelt. She is dead.

Wear your seatbelt people.

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When I lived in the States it was reflex. It was the first thing I did as soon as I got in the car.

I now live in a country where it's often considered "rude" or "untrusting" to put on your seatbelt. Almost nobody in this country wears seatbelts. Really.

So I stopped wearing them. Totally not the right, responsible thing to do, but it's one way of entering the foreign culture. When in Rome, eh?

I'd love to wear a seatbelt again, but as long as I'm over the pond, I'm gonna be playing Russian roulette.

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You're absolutely right. Ribs will probably break at a certain speed. However, you've got a hell of a lot better chance of surviving if you wear the seatbelt. Walking away with broken ribs/broken wrist/broken arm is a hell of a lot better than leaving half of your torso in the car and the other half on the oncoming vehicle's hood.

Of course, at high speeds steel gets really pliable. One big danger here is that you may end up trapped in the vehicle, or have body parts crushed by the newly-repositioned stearing column.

Wearing your seat belt is step 1 to protecting yourself. Step 2 is driving responsibly. Step 3 is picking a car more likely to protect you in a head-on with one of the unresponsible drivers out there.

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Of course, at high speeds steel gets really pliable. One big danger here is that you may end up trapped in the vehicle, or have body parts crushed by the newly-repositioned stearing column.

most metals used in automobiles gets very plastic at the rates and forces occuring in auto accidents.

but being stuck in a car that has been damaged is far less a danger then being thrown out of a car and striking a road, a tree, another car, you get my drift...

my dad was in a auto accident where his car was totaled some years ago... he walked away with a few bruised ribs but that's it... if he had not been wearing his seatbelt I can't imagine that would have been the outcome...
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I can't get over the fact that I am almost certain ribs would break at sufficient speed. :S

Yes, your ribs will crack at sufficient speed and it will leave an impressive bruise from shoulder to hip! I was stopped, rear-ended by a truck doing about 35-40 mph, 3 cracked ribs and chest pains for weeks when breathing... :S But better than breaking your face on the steering wheel or flying through the windshield.

Edited to add: I always wear my safety belt, it just feels wrong to be in a vehicle without it.

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I was going 80 at 1:30 in the morning, hit a deer, car went into a culvert, flipped, and came to rest by hitting a tree. I don't believe it was just the seat belt that saved me, but I'm sure it helped. I never go without it.

"I had a dude tip his black cowboy hat to me after I provided him with a condom outside my hotel room at 3-something in the morning." -myself

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