
Favorite places you've had Oral Sex

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It's much easier for us guys just to whip it out, rather than the girls who have to get in position.

you're fiance OBVIOUSLY doesn't wear skirts without panties ;)

For me, An old Aerosmith song comes to mind, "Love in an elevator"

Or thongs, they are pretty easy to move out of the way in a hurry.
Breathe out so I can breathe you in...

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It's much easier for us guys just to whip it out, rather than the girls who have to get in position.

you're fiance OBVIOUSLY doesn't wear skirts without panties ;)

Yes, she wears skirts without panties on request or just to suprise me, but [graphic text approaching] you still have to get your head in there and adjusted to the angle so that you can get proper clitoral stimulation. ;)

All I'm saying is us guys just have it easier. Whip it out anywhere and she can have at it - while we're driving, or sitting someplace, or movie theatre, or dropzone :):P

And yes, she wears thongs only. We'd have to have a talk if she ever wore anything else. :P

Butthead: Whoa! Burritos for breakfast!
Beavis: Yeah! Yeah! Cool!
bellyflier on the dz.com hybrid record jump

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In my car while traveling down the HWY.

in the Philippines.

general rule's to follow:
Never do it then eat it. Either way.

and if its smells like fish and its not then don't eat it.
Kenneth Potter
FAA Senior Parachute Rigger
Tactical Delivery Instructor (Jeddah, KSA)
FFL Gunsmith

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In the car is the best

Let me know which car it was...so I don't buy that one;):ph34r:

I've given it in a shuttle/van in Vegas...and the driver was giving us the low down on the current politics on the radio...as IF we cared at the time:ph34r:
Also, on a fast train through Switzerland...Zurich to Thun.


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Am I the only one on here who has read The World According to Garp? :ph34r: Roadhead should be scary. :|:ph34r:

I'm currently in the middle of it... The World According to Garp that is... not road head... :P
Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...

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how was the ending? Happy!!!!! :D :D :D

seeing as though I said this I'm currently in the middle of it... in my original message... I'll have to tell you later since I'm not done yet... :P
Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...

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The book is good... although I've read better... :D

I absolutely LOVED that book, and The Hotel New Hampshire (one of my favorite books ever!)... But then I tried reading The Cider House Rules and A Prayer for Owen Meany (also by John Irving), and he just lost me...

Anyhow, in The World According to Garp, roadhead doesn't seem like such a good idea. :ph34r:

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If she's wearing a skirt with or without a thong wherever she wants it whenever my girl needs its.


The best to date was in Vermont at Killington next to the snowguns while they were blowing snow. It was so freezing cold but it was warm under the overcoat she was wearing. Talk about rosy reds cheeks and light up eyes. Oh to be twelve again. :$

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