
WTF?? "CAN-SPAM Act"??

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Anyone else hear about this? I've been getting inundated with shitty true.com emails today, so I decided to check into this further. Here's what I found.

I'd copy the print here, but that's pointless with the link.

The problem with "opt-out" methods is that I never can be sure they aren't phishing and then selling or passing my email off to other lists or companies. I'm less than thrilled about this.
Kevin - Sonic Beef #5 - OrFun #28
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Anyone else hear about this? I've been getting inundated with shitty true.com emails today, so I decided to check into this further. Here's what I found.

I'd copy the print here, but that's pointless with the link.

The problem with "opt-out" methods is that I never can be sure they aren't phishing and then selling or passing my email off to other lists or companies. I'm less than thrilled about this.

Yeah - it's pointless - I agree that there should be regulations - but it's like speeding while driving - you just can't catch everyone and the cops usually let you slide until you break some invisible barrier.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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Yeah - it's pointless - I agree that there should be regulations - but it's like speeding while driving - you just can't catch everyone and the cops usually let you slide until you break some invisible barrier.


what an appropriate analogy....

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Just remember the first rule of spam fighting:

"What the spam filter cannot stop, a baseball bat can".

Opt out methods put the financial burden on the customer. Imagine if you had to pay postage for all the crap in your normal mailbox.

Life has taught me that a baseballl bat is a multi tool.

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