
Hmmm...I wonder??

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I was having a conversation with a friend of mine today. We got to talking about sex (go figure :D) and this topic came up. How many guys find it even remotely hot (for lack of a better word) if their gf/wife had some sort of sex with another guy? Be it petting, oral, or full blown sex. Any form??

He went all off on "HELL NO" etc. I respect that, and at one point held the same beliefs. However, with my current GF I have became very secure in our relationship and personally enjoy all of the above scenarios. I also believe that a lot more guys find it appealing, or even have done it, than will admit. Its not something I expect people to be open about. I don't really care, I enjoy the heck out of my sex life and am rosey peachy about talking to people. I understand most people aren't. Thats what I'm doing a poll for.

So, how many really think that they'd enjoy it? Or have done it and liked it or disliked it? PM me if you would.....if not answer the poll please :P.

I'm sure the posts will be full of HELL NOs. So, I'll probably have fun with those B|. I am interested to see the poll and PMs I may get. Or hell, I may just be WAY off and be in a very small majority of men. I don't think that is the case though ;). Let me know what you guys/gals think if you don't mind.

Johnny Skydive!

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