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I am really starting to get annoyed by people asking me why i fly a tuna boat. I got a Spectre 210 and I am 220lbs out the door. I keep getting these little guys that are 5' nothing and buck and half wet out the door telling me I should be on a 150. I like my 210 and dont really care about swooping downsizing because I want to be cool. No matter how many times I tell them, they still give me shit. It really gets to me when a newbie pokes fun at me, I just want to lay them out.
POPS 11113

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Just fly what you want and be damned with them....

When they jump their tiny little canopies with heavy wingloading without the proper training.... be sure to rush out to the landing area.... to watch for the carnage...

If that fails.. just sit on em.. they squish easy.:D

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Hey, each to their own. I don't see myself downsizing anytime soon either. I got something thats fun enough for me and I want to concentrate on jumping. I've spent alot of money on kit, now its time to get some use out of it.

Think of the money you've saved on kit because you haven't kept buying smaller canopies and then getting a nice pretty small container to put it in!

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Anger management helps, so does not trying to justify what you fly. They poke fun at you because it pisses you off. Skydivers... well, anyone that does group activities, will do that.

Be proud to jump that canopy. Tell em you like the way it flies opens and lands and it suits your flying style perfectly.

I just sold my fast canopy because I haven't jumed enough to justify having it anymore. It's a canopy I can still deal with but it's more work than I wish to put into it. Same as you.

Fuck em... don't take skydiving or it's participants so seriously it screws with your enjoyment. They mean no harm.

Good luck with your huge parachute.
My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto

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Tell them you fly a big boat because you want to suck every possible second of airtime out of your skydive dollar.

Tell them you fly a big boat because it's more like a BASE canopy. After all, everybody knows that fixed object jumpers are hardcore; you should get major cred using that one.

Look them straight in the eye and say "I don't have medical insurance."

Agree with them. "Yup, you're right, if I had any balls at all I'd be flying a Katana 150. But I'm just a big wussy."

Or use my favorite strategy - ignore them. Eventually they will go away.

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Or use my favorite strategy - ignore them. Eventually they will go away.

Or when their laying in the middle of the LZ broken and bleeding walk up and kick um real good and say "if your going to be stupid, you got'a be tough, now get up you pussy and walk it off"
you can't pay for kids schoolin' with love of skydiving! ~ Airtwardo

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people asking me why i fly a tuna boat.

Now there's a rhetorical question if I've ever heard on. It's just another way of saying, "I'm way more cool than you because I jump a higher wing-load."


It really gets to me when a newbie pokes fun at me, I just want to lay them out.

No shit, but that wouldn't do any good. When that happens to me, I focus on my own objectives in this sport. I also try to jump w/ others who are more interested in fun & learning that in proving how cool they are. I even choose where I jump based on this concept.

The best I can say is that it will get easier to ignore these morons after you have been in the sport longer and satisfied more of your own personal objectives. You're gonna outlast them and even if they're still around in 10 years or so, they're eventually gonna know your were right all along--either way you win.

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You jump what you like and what works for you! If, you feel comfortable with a bigger parachute then, that's what you should be jumping. If, you are nervous about a smaller parachute... don't jump it. In skydiving, you have enough to pay attention to without added concerns. I have always jumped 'bigger' parachutes (Sabre - 190 I) because I feel comfortable with it. (I weigh: 183) I can and have turfed the hell out of it and have a blast with it. Skydiving is to be enjoyed and 'savored' in all it's aspects. Just ignore those that 'pressure' you about down-sizing. I tried a Sabre - 170 and it scared the crap outa me but... that's just me. Just stick to what you feel best with and feel the 'safest' with. Now, get out there and jump!:D


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It really gets to me when a newbie pokes fun at me, I just want to lay them out.

Well Pete I was gonna give you a hard time about it but I was too busy marking off a shipping channel for you on the south end of the lz ;):ph34r:

I still haven't had a chance to jump your rig yet, but I plan on trying it soon. I hadn't been consistent under the 218 until just recently so didn't want to push it. Thanks again for the offer dude...
Good judgement comes from experience, and most of that comes from bad judgement.

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When or if you get ready to do demo jumps, you won't have to jump something else. And you won't have to worry about bad spots and landing off because your canopy will set you down easy if your accuracy and decision-making skills are up to snuff. Those guys under the pocket rockets can't do what you can do.

Oh and I liked that other comment "I don't have medical insurance" :D:D:D

"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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Or use my favorite strategy - ignore them. Eventually they will go away.

Or when their laying in the middle of the LZ broken and bleeding walk up and kick um real good and say "if your going to be stupid, you got'a be tough, now get up you pussy and walk it off"

that was great!

OP: I wouldnt care what they say about your big boat. Do what's best for you and that's it. I dont plan on changing my .98 wingloading for the next several years even though others say I could go smaller. I know my limitations and whats best for me. :)
Breathe out so I can breathe you in...

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It really gets to me when a newbie pokes fun at me, I just want to lay them out.


Just do it. They'll get the message.

They may never learn about safe canopy selection, but they'll learn not to run their mouth in your direction.

I suggest a good and swift kick to the nuts. It is actually theraputic for you. Try it once on some douche and let me know how much better you feel! The spectre is a great canopy and the 210 is nothing to complain about. You are doing the right thing by sticking with thte bigger wing, and when you do decide to downsize you will be a better pilot on the smaller wind by having more experience.

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I just sold my fast canopy


Yes...its a treat for us all to watch the new owner on said canopy. Ask our boy Fozz up at Lost Prairie!! Ooops! :P

On a serious note...my father used to jump a challenger 220. He was 160lbs out the door. He loved it and you couldn't tell him any different. He thinks i'm nuts for jumping my safire2 159. Different strokes for different folks.

Losers make excuses, Winners make it happen
God is Good
Beer is Great
Swoopers are crazy.

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I love how people judge canopy appropriateness by wingload alone. A 135 at 1:1 is very different than a 210 at 1:1.
Why don't you just play 'chicken' on the railroad tracks? It would be a cheaper way to toy with death, I'm sure.

CWR #2 - "You SAID collision!"

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Fuck 'em!
I fly a 210 too and when people ask me when I'm going to downsize I just tell them that I'm not in any hurry to get to the ground. I paid for a parachute ride so why should I be in a hurry to get it over with? Truth is, if I ever buy a new canopy, I'll probably upsize a bit.

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Well, laugh back at them. People who laugh at my big, big 150 square ft canopy will get laughed at. And they'll regret that, as I have a really loud and annoying laugh!:P

Well, really, I met this girl who bitched to an instructor that I was hanging on the brakes on final, which I wasn't, my canopy just flies slowly, she should just learn to fly in traffic.

And then there's all these people who tell me to downsize, and are heavier wingloaded than me, but can't even stand up their own landings. Is this so I can have bad landings too so I can feel real sympathy? :S

It's your gear and your legs.

And you're of course free to rant.


Relax, you can die if you mess up, but it will probably not be by bullet.


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I have never been been harassed by jumping similar weight and wingloading as you. If I had been, I would have reminded them that I can still walk without a limp after many years in the sport.

Not everyone likes to fly aggressively close to the ground, I definitely don't, and you shouldn't feel the need to try it.
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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Or when their laying in the middle of the LZ broken and bleeding walk up and kick um real good and say "if your going to be stupid, you got'a be tough, now get up you pussy and walk it off"

sports cars are fun till they crash, saw one miss crashing yesterday be about 6" - oh well maybe next weekend - like above, after they crash offer to let them jump your canopy when and if they are able to jump again
Give one city to the thugs so they can all live together. I vote for Chicago where they have strict gun laws.

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