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Prayers and vibes that right/good prevails!!!!

xoxoxo g

It was interesting . . .
Got a call from the "Oppositions" office yesterday saying that the court date had been canceled. We, my attny and myself and some family, decided to show up anyway. Good thing we did. The "opposition"was there in full force. They had a set of out dated records and were trying to prove me in contempt. But I have a nice lawyer, and her partner, they are just great. It was postponed and they want me to dish out more cash that i don't have so that I can prove, even more substantially than I have already done, that I don't have it.[:/] My family, which had supported The Cunther, if not monitarily, somewhat in deed, has seen the true colors of what I had been describing to them all along.

Although it is not over, not by a long shot, I feel somewhat vindicated, as the judge herself was starting to get annoyed at her and her accusations, as i systematicly took her allegations and proved that I had in fact been doing everything that I could, and more than I was asked to do and it was errors on her/their side that she was trying to get me incarcerated for.

The justice system needs an fucking overhaul. Evidently, my financials of the past year, including tax returns and such don't seem to be good enough. They want to see actual cancelled checks, and every detail of my finacials for the last three months since the last one i gave them was only 9 months worth and they wanted a year. So - I pay - again. Upwards of 175.00 for al the info that they want, in triplicate.:|

So, I'll play their game. I have little choice. Ain't it great?
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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