
Biggest Reserve in A Mirage G3 (Size M5)

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Riggers: What's the biggest reserve (size and brand) that you have comfortably packed into an M5 sized Mirage?

(I looked at the mirage site...but they have a pretty limited list.)

Jumpers: Got an M5, anyone got a 200ish sqft reserve in it?

Thanks for the info!
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The Mirage list for a G3 M5 is:

Precision Aero Dash M 181 Medium
Precision Aero Dash M 218 Snug
Precision Aero Raven 1 Medium
Precision Aero Raven 2 Snug
Performance Designs PD Reserve 160 Medium
Performance Designs PD Reserve 176 Snug
Pisa Tempo 170 Snug

The only major canopy that is not on this list is the Smart or a R-Max. The Tempo is one of the lower pack volume reserves out there before the new PD reserve with the low bulk material. If a Tempo 170 is snug, you are not going to be putting anything a lot larger in there and have it close correctly. At this time the new PD reserves are not yet for sale in the larger sizes so you are out of luck in that angle. You might want to call and ask Ward or someone there if a Tempo 190 would cram in there, but shy of that, maybe RiggerRob or Mike at ChutingStar would be able to point you to some other options.
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The Mirage list does need a little rework and updating...but it's a good start.

A Tempo 210 and PR-193 will fit in a G3 M5. They aren't a "comfortable fit," but I would just clasify them as "snug." A Tempo 170 is not snug...more Medium to loose in a G3 M5. I don't have enough experience with the other brands in that size of Mirage to give you any true guidance.

And just to claify, there isn't a Tempo 190...just a Tempo 170 then 210.


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Precision Aero Dash M 181 Medium
Precision Aero Dash M 218 Snug
Precision Aero Raven 1 Medium
Precision Aero Raven 2 Snug
Performance Designs PD Reserve 160 Medium
Performance Designs PD Reserve 176 Snug
Pisa Tempo 170 Snug

From my experience:

"Tempo 170 Snug" must be a misprint on the Mirage website. A Tempo 170 is snug in an M4, medium in an M5.

A Smart 175 fits nicely in an M5. A Smart 190 would be snug, and if you plan on including an AAD, you should have the newer concave-top reserve pilot chute to reduce the stress on the reserve side flap stiffeners and grommets.

An Icarus 189 should fit similar to a Smart 190.

A Tempo 210 can fit in an M5, but I wouldn't recommend with an AAD because of stress on the reserve side flap stiffeners and grommets, even with the newer concave-top reserve pilot chute. I'd think a PD-193 would have similar issues.


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The Mirage list does need a little rework and updating...but it's a good start.

A Tempo 210 and PR-193 will fit in a G3 M5. They aren't a "comfortable fit," but I would just clasify them as "snug." A Tempo 170 is not snug...more Medium to loose in a G3 M5.

That's what i thought. I didn't think it made since that the Dash M 218 would fit and then the 170 Tempo would be snug (I have a Tempo 250 that fits nicely in my Jav J5 and it is suppused to only fit 218s by other manufacturers). So, I was really confused as to if I could truly get a Dash M 218 or Tempo 250 in there.

Reading Mark's comments makes me realize that the Tempo 250 must surely be a no-go. Maybe I'll consider getting a Tempo 210 or Dash M 218.

The site says the Dash M 218 will fit...does it pack smaller than a Tempo 210?

Thanks for the info!!!
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One other area to read through and look is the latest PIA canopy volume study. There is a wide range of sizes and type of reserves listed with the volume noted in one column. This may help with some of the other manufacturers you are considering as for appropriate sizing (given the advice from Mirage and other riggers here).

Here's the link:


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Please always feel free to contact me directly at ward@miragesys.com with any questions you may have regarding your Mirage.

Yes, our sizing on the website is a little dated but we will soon have a completely revamped site with better sizing details on there in the very near future so stay tuned.


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