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PLFXpert 0
QuoteThat would sound a lot better than, "Appel, Walt Appel".

Whenever I see his name I think of "Wall Tappel"

QuoteI think you'd lose some of the coolness factor when you ordered a soda "shaken, not stirred."
"Water, straight up, please...."
So she hyphenated it for the last couple of years, and is now moving towards just my last name.
My wife is hotter than your wife.
QuoteMy wife is now transferring to my exclusive last name. It turned out that she was already recognizable and marketable by her last name.
How so?
NWFlyer 2
I've known couples who both have used the hyphenated name, and who have created a whole new one. Whatever works.
boinky 0
But I DO like my middle name, especially when my honey says, "Nina Marie...." I know I'm either about to get a great treat...or be in a lot of trouble.

Are we called "DAWGs" because we stick our noses up people's butts? (RIP Buzz)
Yep, you're a postwhore-billyvance
rehmwa 2
example - Jennifer Ann Smith gets married to J. Jones and becomes "Jennifer Smith Jones"
She really gets pissed off when people hyphenate it into her last name.
Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants
we thought we would save the humour for our kids!!
QuoteQuoteMy wife is now transferring to my exclusive last name. It turned out that she was already recognizable and marketable by her last name.
How so?
She had name recognition as an attorney. Had she changed her name immediately, people wouldn't know who she was or how to look her up, etc. So we had to ease my last name.
My wife is hotter than your wife.
LisaM 0
QuoteI was just talking about this last night. It is such a pain in the ass to go and change your name on every I.D you have. What is the point? I decided when I get married not to change my name. Not that I am getting married anytime soon. I guess I am lazy and don't want to go through the hassle of it.
In my opinion.... besides the whole tradition factor... it makes life a bit easier. Well worth the pain of changing it.
The biggest thing that comes to mind, is my brother. His poor daughter has a hyphenated last name (his exeq and then his).
I never receive checks made out to the wrong person. I can sign cards "The Smiths". I don't get questioned when calling to an account where his name is on it.
I never get questioned taking my son to the doctor because we share the same last name....
It all adds up.... and I am a traditional gal. I like my new name better anyway!

~ Lisa
~ Do you Rigminder?

If you're holding anyone else accountable for your happiness, you're wasting your time."
tigra 0

Funny- my oldest sister is on her 2nd marriage. With her first marriage, she did the hyphen thing, and the kids have their dad's last name. With marriage number two, she just went back to her maiden name. I met her PV last March and didn't know what name to give the front desk at the hotel!
![[:/] [:/]](/uploads/emoticons/dry.png)
My sister's first name is Yemia, and she married a Japanese man named Mark Hashimoto. No one believes she is my sister when I tell them her name. She still had one year of graduate school after they got married, and the professor was taking roll. When he called her name, he fixed his gaze on an oriental woman a couple of rows back. It took a little convincing on her part for sure as she is blonde and fair skinned.
All things work together for good to them that love God...Romans 8:28
I'm a Doll!!!!
QuoteI dropped my maiden name completely...I'm kinda traditional that way...
I did too. I was SOOOOO excited when I got my first driver's license with my 'married' name!

Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.
But a name is no reason to marry
I don't care much for my blase' last name but it serves its purpose
I like when a couple has the same last name, though---I don't care if he takes hers or she takes his or they make a new one up all together. It's just cute and practical too, b/c then you can just say "The Smiths" instead of "John Smith" and "Jane Doiley"
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