
Vibes,well wishes,good lucks,etc,etc needed

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Hi All,I don't post here much but would like to ask a favor from everybody.
I need all the good vibes,well wishes and good luck I can get right now.
Here's the story...........
I've applied for a grant from the Dept. of Homeland Security for a grant to start
a EMS training program here in TX. The grant is for $750,000 more than enough to get things started.
I have everything in place to begin except the check. The grant is to be awarded this week. The competition
has been cut down from 248 applicants down to 2, with me being one of the 2.
If I can get the grant I can help wiht the EMT and Paramedic shortage in a small way. I won't be able to fix
the shortage alone, but every bit helps.
So ,wish me luck,send me vibes, light candles, say prayers, pick your nose, whatever you think would help.

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Darlin, you have all the vibes I've got to spare...good to see you 'round here on occasion...hope all is well with you. Sounds like it is!

Good luck, prayers, vibes, wishes, and crossed toes...


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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I'm VERY impressed... and although I know that that alone wont get you the $750k, I hope that those in the position to give you the money will be impressed too!!

Good luck. (not that it seems you need luck.... with as prepared as you seem... but good luck anyway)

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Thanks for the vibes everbody. Still waiting to hear from the grant comittiee.
As for having everything together............I have a ER Dr lined up for medical control,
a clinical coordinator from a college that wants to move out,multiple instructors that
have given commitments to teach. clinical agreements with 2 of the hospitals for student
clinical hospital rotations. 3 EMS services have agreed to let students do ambulance clinicals
with thier field training officers. A site for the building that will site on 20 acres. All the paperwork
is ready to be turned into the state for site inspections and course approvals. A supply list
that if I get the grant will be well over what the state requires.
I plan on teaching everything from Basic EMT through Paramedic with other classes to be taught there,
such as CPR, Advanced Cardiac Life Support, Pediatric Advanced Life Support, Basic Trauma Life Support,
Auto Extrication, Confined Space Rescue and possibly Swift Water Rescue.

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With all the help I have received from EMT's and Paramedics in the past 3 years, it would be pretty selfish of me not to send vibes and prayers. So, you got em and thanks for what you're doing.



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With all the help I have received from EMT's and Paramedics in the past 3 years, it would be pretty selfish of me not to send vibes and prayers. So, you got em and thanks for what you're doing.

Ironically, 3 hours after I made this post EMT's and Paramedics were in my house tending to me once again. And once again they were professional and compassionate. Thanks again Nubain1.:)


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