
Russian gear (flamingo)

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I jumped Flamingo-150 for several years. But mine was menufactured in 1999, rumours are they may have changed the pattern since then.
The openings were very stable and predictable (this was a characteristic of all Zvezda canopies I tried at that time), not too fast unless the packing job was very sloppy but not too slow - it's definitely not a sniveller. Flamingo was not a super-performant canopy but could get me anywhere I wanted just fine. One note about fabric: they used South African ZP which is less slippery than US and less durable. If they still use the same material don't expect the canopy to last longer than 600 jumps or so especially if you fly in damp conditions. Also keep an eye on the lines - when they go out of trim the fun begins ;)


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- South African ZP which is less slippery than US and less durable -

Have got nothing against Flamingos but the statement above sounds at least disputable.
Had a chance to test jump few years old Hornet with over 1000 jump on the canopy (it was fresh line set on it though) - it flew just fine. Referring to your post apparently i jumped a ;dead; canopy.

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