
did you get the cut?

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replyFemale circumcision


I saw a photo documentary in a Vienna train station of the "ritual." It's the most fucking sick and barbaric thing I've ever seen

From what I've read (I read a lot of weird stuff), unlike male circumcision (which is pretty standardized), there is a huge range of what's done for female circumcision; from a surgical procedure to remove a very small, somewhat token, amount of skin (akin to male circumcision), to the more barbaric broken-bottle-leave-a-hole-to-pee kinds of things.

Either way, it seems to be trying to solve a problem which isn't that serious. Which male circumcision also seems to do.

That said, societal and religious norms can make a difference -- a Jewish boy who's uncut for excellent reasons (e.g. hemophilia) will feel weird all his life.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Before you throw out absolutes and moral judgments like that, check the rest of the thread. You'll see that there are authoritative opinions on both sides of the argument. It isn't like someone is saying AIDS or coke addiction is medically neutral. If your perspective were a medically established certainty, you would find essentially no refuting evidence. That isn't the case here.

I'm not sure what your degree(s) are in, but you didn't preface your comments by saying you were a pediatrician, a surgeon or a statistical epidemiologist. You are entitled to your opinion, as am I. When neither of us are experts (other than as men with penises), it is more appropriate to find and cite research that is from experts, rather than attempting to bash each other with absolutes and ultimatums.

There are pros and cons of both circumcision and of not circumcising.

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When neither of us are experts (other than as men with penises)


technically, I think that makes us an expert in everything, doesn't it?


I'm not conceited...I'm just realistic about my awesomeness...

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Before you throw out absolutes and moral judgments like that, check the rest of the thread. You'll see that there are authoritative opinions on both sides of the argument. It isn't like someone is saying AIDS or coke addiction is medically neutral. If your perspective were a medically established certainty, you would find essentially no refuting evidence. That isn't the case here.

I'm not sure what your degree(s) are in, but you didn't preface your comments by saying you were a pediatrician, a surgeon or a statistical epidemiologist. You are entitled to your opinion, as am I. When neither of us are experts (other than as men with penises), it is more appropriate to find and cite research that is from experts, rather than attempting to bash each other with absolutes and ultimatums.

There are pros and cons of both circumcision and of not circumcising.

I believe the American College of Pediatricians speaks for the victims - that is the position they take. If it were done at the request of anyone else but the parents it would be considered felony battery.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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So 50 million years of mammalian evolution got it wrong?

Evolution got a lot of stuff wrong. Otherwise, why was I near-sighted until I had LASIK?
Why are some people born with various defects?

More to the point, don't you think it's possible that some features of evolution have been superceded by various degrees of technology? Why do you think we don't need hair any more? Because we have learned to cover ourselves with hair from other critters and more recently to synthesize materials to cover ourselves. It's taken evolution a long time to catch up to making us hariless ape decendants.

The foreskin may simply have outlived its usefulness. Just because other animals have them doesn't mean squat. They just haven't figured out how to cut them off. Maybe it's there to protect from frostbite - a real risk considering how many animals let their peckers lie in the snow when they sit or lie down.

I don't have one and I don't miss it. I also have no deep-seated fear of knives or other lingering post-traumatic effects (at least not from circumcision).


If you don't believe me, ask me.

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when I was born during the '60s it was a standard practice. I'm not so sure about that now.

There were studies that showed circumcised men were less likely to get STDs, but that was in 3rd world countries. Apparently there isn't much difference in developed countries.
Speed Racer

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