
If skydiving was not dangerous. Do you think it would still be as fun.

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Ever been to Disney World and stood in line for Space Mountain?
Now imagine spending three hours on your feet behind a morbidly obese woman in an eye-gouging Hawaiian print muumuu as she blithely ignores the simian-like behavior of her three shrieking kids who smell like day old hot dogs...just so you can get in the next Caravan load.

Mortal peril is one of three things that keeps the majority of earthlings from skydiving. (The other two being a necessary level of skill and the fact that the planes don't serve food.)

Therefore, in my case, the question is moot. If skydiving were as popular as those ridiculous bungee cage things they put up at the County Fair and Livestock Show, and my AFF Instructor looked like the carny who runs the Himalaya ride, I would have thus far avoided it too.
OrFunV/LocoBoca Rodriguez/Sonic Grieco/Muff Brother #4411
-"and ladies....messin with Robbie is venturing into territory you cant even imagine!-cuz Robbie is

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I skydive because it's fun.
I BASE jump because it's fun... and it scares the hell out of me.

I had a friend that summed it up pretty well once, "People get into skydiving for alot of diferent reasons, but they usually stay because of the people."

Obviously we all try this for all kinds of reasons, like conquering a fear, or for the freedom, or for the adrenaline, or just out of curiosity, but above all else I think the people and the community aspect of skydiving is the best part. After all, solos get pretty boring after a while.

Totally true.
There's nothing like lookin over at your best friends, just chillin there in the air with you. Way rad
But I jump cause I have a death wish.

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I skydive for fun precisely because it's not dangerous, by comparison with other parachuting activities.

This is a very interesting topic to me, because I know many people who wouldn't BASE jump if it weren't dangerous. I'm no longer one of them, but I do know those feelings.
-- Tom Aiello


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This is a very interesting topic to me, because I know many people who wouldn't BASE jump if it weren't dangerous. I'm no longer one of them, but I do know those feelings.

i think i would still BASE if it wasnt dangerus,aslong i would get my rush:P

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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Skydiving without danger=fun
Skydiving with danger=fun + "thrill"

Skydiving with danger=limited population of like-minded risk-takers
Skydiving without danger=massive crowds of couch potatos and assholes (the bad kind)

(drink Mountain Dew)

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But I jump cause I have a death wish.

i hope that were a mistake,if not buy a gun instead,it wont hurt your freinds and dont give the sport a bad rep:P

Don't worry Faber... I'm not completely serious there. But the danger is part of the appeal. I guess I just accept the fact that I can die at any minute, and I'm TOTALLY ok and ready for it.
So I guess I meant death ready, not death wish

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I skydive for fun precisely because it's not dangerous, by comparison with other parachuting activities.

This is a very interesting topic to me, because I know many people who wouldn't BASE jump if it weren't dangerous. I'm no longer one of them, but I do know those feelings.

Tom, do you find that the danger is the initial appeal to BASE for most beginning jumpers? Or does it significally vary?

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Skydiving without danger=fun
Skydiving with danger=fun + "thrill"

Skydiving with danger=limited population of like-minded risk-takers
Skydiving without danger=massive crowds of couch potatos and assholes (the bad kind)


Skydiving + beer - lots of money x the % of friends you make - the friends you'll lose is = to the amount of....oh nevermind.



(Do not, I repeat DO NOT, take my posts seriously.)

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Skydiving without danger=fun
Skydiving with danger=fun + "thrill"

Skydiving with danger=limited population of like-minded risk-takers
Skydiving without danger=massive crowds of couch potatos and assholes (the bad kind)


Skydiving + beer - lots of money x the % of friends you make - the friends you'll lose is = to the amount of....oh nevermind.


Next time could you put the "oh nevermind" in FRONT of the equation, so I don't get a headache trying to keep track of the variables? :P

(drink Mountain Dew)

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This is a very interesting topic to me, because I know many people who wouldn't BASE jump if it weren't dangerous. I'm no longer one of them, but I do know those feelings

I know that I want to base jump when I have the skills to do it. I am actually following the guidelines that you had suggested. I think my biggest fear is not death. I think after the fear of being paralyzed I only fear that one day after many many base jumps the rush will be goon. So that leads to this question to you is it still as fun? Or has it changed not gotten less fun but just changed?
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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If it was safer, we'd likely lose many of the idiots that hurt themselves trying stuff they aren't ready for (it's an ego thing so those types are likely attracted to the risk of the sport rather than the sport itself).

But the tradeoff would be more people in the sport that are too casual to understand the fun of it.

I like the balance the way it is.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Tom, do you find that the danger is the initial appeal to BASE for most beginning jumpers? Or does it significally vary?

It varies a lot. In my experience, beginning BASE jumpers are either seeking risk, or relatively oblivious to it. The ones in between are the rare ones (and the good ones, I think) who have an honest appreciation of the risk level, but choose to accept it.

Truthfully, being able to accurately evaluate the risk of various jumps is something that most of us have had to learn through (often painful) experience.
-- Tom Aiello


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Tom, do you find that the danger is the initial appeal to BASE for most beginning jumpers? Or does it significally vary?

Wasn't there recently a thread about that?
you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
I WILL fly again.....

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I think my biggest fear is not death. I think after the fear of being paralyzed...

Permanent, debilitating injury is most people's biggest fear.

In evaluating my own jumping career to date, I'd say the biggest cost was actually losing good friends. I haven't been paralyzed, but I have had severe injuries, from which I still feel almost constant pain. The loss of people I valued is a much higher price.


I only fear that one day after many many base jumps the rush will be gone.

I doubt it. There are some jumps where there is no real "rush", and you can choose to do those for the fun. But you can always find that nasty fear-rush by just doing riskier jumps. It doesn't matter what your level of skill (or jadedness), standing on the edge of a 200 foot building with your PC in your hand, looking down at a pitch black street in swirling winds--that's always going to bring back the fear and adrenaline.


So that leads to this question to you is it still as fun? Or has it changed not gotten less fun but just changed?

It changes. I think that's true for almost everyone, but in different ways.

For me, the jumps I'm still "in the game" for are the really deep, spiritual ones. You don't really get the fear-rush on those, just this intense, centered calm. That's a different (and long) topic, though.
-- Tom Aiello


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I'm not sure about my earlier years. There was
an element of envelope pushing, and of going
into situations (not just jumping) that you had to
do just right.

I didn't analyze it then, but in the 70s, when I did
get into analyzing, I thought maybe a bigger factor
was the focused state of mind.

I really liked that, and in fact it led off into meditation
and such when I began to wonder why I needed
the crutch of making a jump just to get focused.

But by the late 70s I'd had enough of fear and pain
and people getting killed.

Since then I would have really loved it if skydiving
were a big, fluffy, safe marshmellow.

The incredible feeling of flying around in freefall
was always a much bigger factor, even in the
early days.

But, as people have pointed out, an even bigger
factor now is the people, so I guess the actual
jumping out would be more fun, but the people
would be more like families with squalling kids
and barking dogs.

So I don't know.


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If it was safer, we'd likely lose many of the idiots that hurt themselves trying stuff they aren't ready for

your saying that all that get hurt are idiots?
99%on injuryes are pilot erros,which must be said that the pilot atemted somthing that the person couldnt pull off...

But i do agree that some people are pushing the limits on times were they shouldnt(my self inkluded),specialy in the early jumps(skyworld)

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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