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What is up with Icarus Canopies? I mean I ordered my custom canopy through through Sunshine Factory and I understand that since we are in the busy time of the skydiving season that the 16 week wait is totally understandable. But now I find out that it is going to take up to 25 weeks for my canopy to be ready. So could somebody I mean anybody tell me what the frickin wait is.

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This has been an issue in the industry for years now. It certainly affects my purchasing choices. Buy used, or buy another brand.

From PD I purchased a stock canopy and got in in a few days. In the canopy/size I wanted, I had three color choices to choose from. That was last week.

Last year I purchased a custom colored canopy and got it in 4 weeks.

On every order I have put in with them, within 12 hours I had the confirmation and ETA date, and thus far they never have been late.

When I purchased a skydiving container, base container, wingsuit, helmet - they were all very late and had long waits to begin with, and weeks into the order still would not give even confirmation the order had been received.

Unfortunately, only one company I know in skydiving gives accurate ETAs (and before you flame I am sure others have had good experience with other companies, I am just saying what MY experience has been - yours probably has been completely different).


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Well I have definitely learned my lesson as far as buying new from Icarus. I noticed that after I had ordered my new canopy from Icarus that there were plenty of good used canopies to choose from.

I now know that my next canopy purchase will definitely be a used canopy.

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Concerning all my other gear it has been awesome. I ordered my complete rig through Sunshine Factory. The container is already in. As far as the AAD and main goes there is a longer wait. The only reason I have to wait longer for my VIGIL is because they just released the VIGIL II but that is okay. I carus is just not doing good in my eyes

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My dealer is ordering new canopy from Icarus for me soon (in the next days, if he didn`t already).
I`m also pissed about the waiting period. I mean, come on, SIX MONTHS! This means I will get it some time in April next year. I could easily forget wtf I ordered. If I weren`t paying for it that is.
If I was the owner of the company, I would hire some more people, buy some extra machines... i.e. expand production capacities. Are they not aware that they will make more money if they make faster turnaround?
On the flipside, I heard a rumor that they will cut down delivery time to six (6) weeks soon. But it`s just a rumor.
dudeist skydiver #42

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So could somebody I mean anybody tell me what the frickin wait is.

Some possible reasons -

1) They're having issues getting the colors you ordered
2) They got a huge military order
3) Shit happened (people quit, machines break, etc) and they got behind

AFAIK, as long as your canopy hasn't been cut yet you can cancel the order and get something else.

Delivery dates are estimates. Long waits for custom are a very good reason to buy used or stock for your first rig (or for anybody who needs/wants it now).

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Long waits for custom are a very good reason to buy used or stock for your first rig

In my case it`s third/fourth and I have a rig to jump in the meantime, but still, 16-25 weeks...
My bad for wanting only their canopy.

* But I guess it beats the former East Germany`s car named Trabant which had delivery time of 12 years.
dudeist skydiver #42

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Well Skybytch,

I only colored my canopy with 3 navy blue cells and 6 black cells. So I do believe that they should not have any problems with getting the colors.

As far as the wait goes I am a little upset about it but the upside is at least I am currently deployed to Afghanistan and I am not having to worry about jumping anytime soon right now.

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Well Skybytch,

I only colored my canopy with 3 navy blue cells and 6 black cells. So I do believe that they should not have any problems with getting the colors.

Oh, well, in that case, you should be pissed. No manufacturer has ever had a problem getting black or navy blue fabric. :S

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I ordered my 1st Icarus and had it in hand, custom made, in less then 10 days. I am totally happy with the service I received before, during, and after the sale. I have recently ordered another Icarus, and it doesn't matter what the wait is, it is worth the wait. It is custom colored to my specifications, and size. So, when it comes in your going to be just as happy as if you allready had it. Your troubles will soon be forgoten. Just breath, and enjoy.
So, you bring your beer?

Its 5 o'clock somewhere
POPS #9344

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my first canopy was custom colours and bought new. now I know better. like someone else said, used is the way to go.


I can count on one hand how many Safire2's appeared in the classifies in the last 6 months.... So not always a choice, as I am sure that's the model the lowtimers are ordering....

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I now know that my next canopy purchase will definitely be a used canopy.

I always find this statement amusing. When you buy used, company choice should factor as heavily as when you buy new. You're going to need maintenance at some point on a canopy - I wouldn't want to be waiting months for a lineset.

Generally, it has been my experience that, the company in question (while building a good line of canopies) has far longer delivery times than most others in the industry.

Performance Designs Factory Team

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I liked one of the aerodyne stock list color combo's but they didnt have one in stock in the size I wanted. I called them and they said one was being built and it was 3 weeks out. I ordered it and got it in within a week. Similarly I chose a stock list wings conainer that was not done yet, but it got in over a week ahead of schedule. Maybe I'm just lucky,

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