
Why Do Women Like Cocky Assholes?

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What's a cocky asshole? Someone who's confident, playful, and a bit flirty? Then yeah, of course they're attractive.

Very few women are attracted to insecure, morose depressives (17yo goth chicks may be an exception).

Would you want a relationship with someone who was no fun to be around? Didn't think so.

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mmm defining it..

id say a cocky asshole type guy is someone who is too overconfident, they think that they are gods gifts and assume that they can get whatever they want, when they want and they dont have to behave well to get it. well not for long anyway lol. they usually dont have alot of respect for a person, and will mow down anything/anyone in their way to get what they want. And of course once they have conquered.. its off to the next challenge..

someone whom is confident and flirty.. but yet respectful.. yes thats attractive. someone who is overconfident in the way i have defined above.. defintely not.. well not to me anyway.. perhaps to someone who is terribly insecure, in which case id day they have some issues to work on themselves.. its not the fault of the cocky one!

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Maybe you didn't come off as cocky to the ladies on your experiment. Maybe you came off as confident and a good dude to boot. It's hard to hide one's good side, Women pick that shit up quickly. Sometimes I think in some cases people who call other guys cocky tend to look how they treat them rather than how they treat women and judge them in a not so unbiased view. . . Sometimes.

Women do not like jerks. a lot of the times, that means, they don't like men who are jerks to them. And, sometimes they dont see their boyfriends as being total jerks to other guys, but seeing them being annoyed by a total pussy or annoying twerp.
And there are women who don't lile any type of jerk. Ask your girl why she likes you. :)

"The trouble with quotes on the internet is that you can never know if they are genuine" - Abraham Lincoln

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This has been bothering me for a while now. It seems like so many women enjoy the company of a complete and utter cocky prick by their side.

You have a lot to learn. I’m sorry you seem so bitter towards others that have what you truly desire. It is the instinct of every man to conquer and acquire the female as both a slave-lover and respectful-servant. You must learn to exude confidence, power and control over women.

When approaching a nymphet for the first time, I don’t ask for their respect. I command respect through my actions and words. I treat women like children by talking down to them and treating them with no more courtesy than a common streetwalker.

Women by nature are arrogant and put themselves on a pedestal in hopes that someone will knock them down a peg. That is precisely why GOD created man. To keep women from letting their own stupid egos blow up the planet. Philosophers call this “universal harmony”

Women worship me because I enjoy being a selfish asshole. It makes me feel like a big man when they realize they will never have any say in our relationship. Their future is held firmly in my hands and that is what makes me irresistible.


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Women worship me because I enjoy being a selfish asshole. It makes me feel like a big man when they realize they will never have any say in our relationship. Their future is held firmly in my hands and that is what makes me irresistible.

is some of the funniest BS right there. Dawg...are your eyes brown?

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They act nice, friendly, and they listen… until they get into what they’re after.

Sounds familiar. [:/]

Yes, this sounds all too familiar! Once they get what they want, they treat you like shit. But what goes around comes around, and one day guys like that will get what they deserve from a really good woman who sees through their lies. Karma is beautiful.

One who looks for a friend without faults will have none. -- Hasidic Saying

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Yes, this sounds all too familiar! Once they get what they want, they treat you like shit. But what goes around comes around, and one day guys like that will get what they deserve from a really good woman who sees through their lies. Karma is beautiful.

The problem with this is that they'll never know because they're too shallow and self-centered to realize that karma bit them in the ass.
The only naturals in this sport shit thru feathers...

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Yes, this sounds all too familiar! Once they get what they want, they treat you like shit. But what goes around comes around, and one day guys like that will get what they deserve from a really good woman who sees through their lies. Karma is beautiful.

The problem with this is that they'll never know because they're too shallow and self-centered to realize that karma bit them in the ass.

You're probably very right on that one. :S

One who looks for a friend without faults will have none. -- Hasidic Saying

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I still say that "Nice guys" do NOT finish last. What you seem to be talking about is "picking up chicks" and/or "scoring" which is quite different from actual relationships. Granted one can lead to the other... but most of the time scoring is just about the adventure. And for adventure... yeah... cocky guys are more fun.

Sometimes, women go out and hit on hot, disinterested guys for a fun time. The guys are classified as arrogant, but almost always they are being honest about their intentions. He doesn't like her. It's all about the party, there's no mystery. She wants sex with a hot guy, there he is, her choice.

The odd part is when people seek a relationship with someone who treats them poorly and then they complain. A relationship is with the person (their character).

They want a relationship with who they can change them into. When that happens, they are actually being entirely superficial because they are dating them for reasons other than character (money or looks).

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I always love the discussions that start out with a neat premise like, "All men/women are the same and they think/want... Plus, they only have one set of emotions/opinions/desires at all moments."

It's much easier that way. We need little boxes to sort our little lives out. Imagine if we'd have to think! On second thought, don't.

I think people are in relationships for a great variety of reasons. To me, they're all basically almost as good. I find it hard to say that it is better to be in a relationship because you think your partner is totally hot, than it is to be in on because the other part is totally rich. Or because you need the emotional support (but don't really have any love). And so on.

In fact, I'd go as far as to suggest the majority of marriages are more about growing accustomed to each other and being afraid of the unknown outside of marriage than it is about red hot love. Which is OK in my book.

It seems there is more to love than just romantic teenage he/she-is-the-stars-the-sun-without-him/her-I-dwell-in-darkness stuff.

Which is why it is really, really interesting, because it's hard to understand at all.

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