
I'm scared to jump...

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Hello Yvonne,
I hope that I'm not frightening tandem students or AFF students with my thread. Honestly, I have no idea of how the tandem student harness should fit. Believe it or not, I've never done a tandem in my life. My first jump was an AFF 1.

I'm so glad that you're still going to do the tandem. I'm sure that your tandem master will make sure that you are comfortable and safe. Please just talk with them about this in person, and they will go over everything that you need to know for the jump. Good luck and have fun! :)

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Hi Ro-
You are absolutely not frightening me about my jump at all. I'm learning from it all. But it did give me pause this afternoon when I read about the Ohio tandem fatality. Just made me more aware of what I need to pay attention to.

From everything I've read about you, it doesn't surpise me that your first jump was an AFF jump. Seems like you are a go-getter with a heart of gold!


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Yes, that photo was taken on one of the last days that I had flown, prior to stopping. I could tell you who else was on that jump with us, but it would be name dropping, again

I'll tell em,,,,, it was my boy Justin, and my other boy Mark Kirkby. Ever since Mark started listening to me, he has imporved so much.
i think he has such potential.
if only he could focus. :D:D

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