
What Women Want

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I think that women don't all want the same things. Maybe we're real people....individuals....a diverse lot :)

I think that lumping us all together like she does in that quote kind of sells us a bit short.


Maybe I read more into it ... but I think that was her point. We are not a "single species" to be treated identically... she's basically saying "be who you are" and find the woman who likes that about you, and don't worry about the ones who don't (unless all of them don't :D).

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Maybe I read more into it ... but I think that was her point. We are not a "single species" to be treated identically... she's basically saying "be who you are" and find the woman who likes that about you, and don't worry about the ones who don't (unless all of them don't Laugh).

Then I like what she said :)

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I think that women don't all want the same things. Maybe we're real people....individuals....a diverse lot :)

I think that lumping us all together like she does in that quote kind of sells us a bit short.


Maybe I read more into it ... but I think that was her point. We are not a "single species" to be treated identically... she's basically saying "be who you are" and find the woman who likes that about you, and don't worry about the ones who don't (unless all of them don't :D).

"No cookies for you"- GFD
"I don't think I like the sound of that" ~ MB65
Don't be a "Racer Hater"

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Talk to woman as you would a man. If there's something you feel you must censor, then that says to me that you're not seeing a woman as an equal, but as a thing to be handled delicately. Bleah. If you talk naturally to a woman and she finds you offensive, good--she's the last person you'd want for a relationship. And if every woman finds you offensive, then it's time to revisit your true opinion of women.

I tend to be treated as "one of the guys" quite often. And I perfer it. I would much rather sit around chatting about politics, weapons, and "manly" topics. But then there are those who don't know me and assume that this "pretty lil head" don't need to be bothered with discussions (or those guys at the SHOT show who don't know the difference between a standard scopes and the Schmidt and Bender scopes, but assume that I can't tell the difference between a shotgun and a 1911A1)..... I dislike that A LOT.

I would much rather give up the flirting skills (which I'm kinda lacking on anyway) for just hanging and relaxing.

If it hurts my ego that I'm not getting enough "female type attention" .... I just put on a short skirt to remind them. ;)

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They have a shot for that, you know. Geez, I learned that in grade school. :P:P

Good to know your vaccinations are up to date;):P
"No cookies for you"- GFD
"I don't think I like the sound of that" ~ MB65
Don't be a "Racer Hater"

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How about this for communication.

I was talking to a friend recently and explaining to him a funny story that happened to me.
I was in a train station waiting in line as to buy a ticket to PitTsburgh. When my turn came up I noticed that the ticket clerk (a woman) had really big breasts. I got distracted for a second and instead of requesting a ticket to PitTsburgh I asked for a ticket to Titsburgh. It was a freudian slip.

A freudian slip? Whats that? My friend asked

I explained that it is a psychological phenomenon where a person wants to say one thing but inadvertently says something else more pertinent to the subject that he was thinking about.

Oh! My friend replied. I had one of those

Really? I asked.

Yes. Just two days ago. He clarified. I was having breakfast with my wife and I wanted some orange juice. But instead of saying "Honey? Could you please pass the juice?" I turned to her and said BITCH YOU RUINED MY LIFE!

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Oh pointy pointy
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I just don't want to be put on a pedestal, tiptoed around, or somehow treated as if I am less able to "handle" certain topics as a man. I may choose not to engage in them (really, there are things that I think a guy would have much more fun chatting about with his guy friends, just as there are things I'll have more fun chatting about with my girlfriends), but I don't want to be protected from them, either.

The inherent flaw in logic here is that if there are things that you find unengaging that other men do find engaging, out of the inherent lack of interest you will show, the man will pretty much not talk to you about it.

Thus begins the disparity.

For instance, the comradery that can be had by certain groups of males with the topic of farting, that's pretty much a male-exclusive activity. There are exceptions to the rule, but women typically don't find anything related to farting "engaging." As such, guys will typically not attempt to involve you. The difference between a guy doing it around a guy and a guy doing it around his SO is that he's having fun with the guy, and he's probably to the point that he doesn't care what his SO thinks about it.

Obviously this is only one example... but the article isn't without it's merits.

For the women who think like the author, its positive information to be given to the guy they are interested in. For all the daddy's little princesses in the world, it's fruitless.

Frankly, if a girl ever calls me on anything for being rude, offensive, etc., and in the context of a male-only environment it isn't, that is a major point deduction. Note that there are things that are flat out rude/offensive that it's ok to call someone on. Like walking around a public place, and telling someone to tuck in their shirt all the way, when they intentionally have their shirt untucked in the front to show off their ostentatious beltbuckle, and they are one of many individuals in a group of Hispanics. True story, and I almost beat the shit out of my friend for doing that.

Anyway, in summary, guys inherently treat women different because women are different. If they aren't different, then they are often not as interesting. Doesn't mean they can't treat them like human beings as opposed to objects of lower status.

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If you had posted in the women's forum, not only would we not have the male perspective, or the conversation such as it is, but it would continue to illistrate the difference society insists on trying to enforce. Men and women are different, but we do actually come from the same planet...

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If you had posted in the women's forum, not only would we not have the male perspective, or the conversation such as it is, but it would continue to illistrate the difference society insists on trying to enforce. Men and women are different, but we do actually come from the same planet...

But the mean boys are picking on me! :P;)

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If you had posted in the women's forum, not only would we not have the male perspective, or the conversation such as it is, but it would continue to illistrate the difference society insists on trying to enforce. Men and women are different, but we do actually come from the same planet...

But the mean boys are picking on me! :P;)

"No cookies for you"- GFD
"I don't think I like the sound of that" ~ MB65
Don't be a "Racer Hater"

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lol, aww Kris, just ignore the mean boys! If nothing else, we'll take them up in the plane, and fall faster than they can!
As for being treated like one of the guys, I do appreciate it, conversations are more inteletual, the points of view are varied, and the humor is great. When I feel like being all girlie, I can do that too... I think as women, we do have the best of both worlds. Men just need to realize that we do have brains, we do care what they think, and dirty jokes don't always offend most of us!
I also have to through out there that I have discouvered I prefer to hand out with other ladies who jump and climb, as opposed to the little girls too scarded to get a little sweaty!

Fear not death. Fear instead the unlived life.

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but hey, if a man wants to put me on a pedestal, I'll take it!!;) But only if I'm still allowed to say "fuck".:P

"Fuckity-fuck-fuck-fuck." :)
"What the fuck is your problem?" :|

"Nothin'. I just felt like saying it." :)
"Oh. Ok." :P

...a recent conversation after the kids were asleep in bed.
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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What Women Want

I wonder how many people here know that this question was the central theme to one of the Arthurian legends???

There was this Quest that one of the knights went on, & this was the Big Riddle that he had to solve ( What do women want?). The knight eventually had to pledge himself to marry a hideous old hag in order that she would give him the answer to this question. So he pledged to marry her & she gave him the answer to What Do Women Want. (He needed the answer in order to rescue a fellow knight who was trapped in a castle & the gatekeeper wouldn't release him without the answer to the Riddle.)
Speed Racer

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Anyway, in summary, guys inherently treat women different because women are different. If they aren't different, then they are often not as interesting. Doesn't mean they can't treat them like human beings as opposed to objects of lower status.

Exactly what i have been thinkin as i read this aritcle. is anyone saying that men should speak to women in totally the same manner as they do other men?

if so: put a sock in it, because if you dont, some woman definately will, and itll have a foot attached to it!

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Some women completely miss the point of it all.

With respect to men doing things for women:
In most cases, men WANT to do things for a woman as a means of showing that they care while the woman sees that as being condescending....why can't women recognize that instead of twisting it into something degrading?

To me, holding the door open for you is one way that I can show that I care enough to want to do things for you...and when you said, "Do you think I'm helpless, asshole"?....well, that just blew my respect for you.

It's impossible to figure out what women want...the easiest thing to do is just freakin' ask first before you do anything...and then, guess what...you come across as a spineless wimp....you can't win.

Oh hell, now I'm gettin' all cynical and stuff...shit.
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
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To me, holding the door open for you is one way that I can show that I care enough to want to do things for you...


You can hold the door open for me any day... :)

What do you call a beautiful, sunny day that comes after two cloudy, rainy
ones? -- Monday.

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I have come to the conclusion that a lot of women & men for that matter, want different things.

You can only pray you meet the one that wants the same things you do.

In response to the quoted answer to the age-old question: I know plenty-o-women who genuinely do NOT want to be treated as equals. But I think all of those would want to be treated with respect.

I adamantly support equal opportunity. But I love a man who respects me enough not to fart & laugh about it in front of me as he would the boys.

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