
canopy in the drink

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my canopy (safire 2 155) ended up in the ocean after a chop.i fished it out about half an hour later and chucked it in a bath of fresh water,had a couple of beers then hosed it off and went home.at home i put it in to soak again and due to circumstances was unable to get home to hang it to dry till later that day.all up it has soaked for bout 24 hours. do you anticipate any problems with lines shrinking ect

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You're best to contact the manufacturer as the previous poster stated, but you might run into problems with shrinkage. My initial reaction would be that the tapes might shring more than the nylon.
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Rinsing the parachute real good in cold clear water should do the trick. It may shrink a tiny bit but, nothing noticable. It should be o.k. Check your owner's manual or Poynter's Parachute Manual, they will say the same thing. Suspend it in a shady place to air dry.


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Historicly there has been some problems with tape shrinkage in a few designs. The Safier is not exactly a super high performance canopy. I can't imagion you haveing those kinds of problems with it. As long as you get the salt washed out of it you'll be fine.


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There was a time when support tapes and etc., were made of cotton and significant shrinkage would occur when washed. Especially in warm water. Now, tapes are made of synthetics and shrink very little. Materials tend to shrink less in cold water.


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The issues I was thinking of was with coard wise nilon tapes in the bottom seam of the canopy. They actually shrank enough to distort the airfoil. Then again they were already haveing problems with that design to begin with.


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The issues I was thinking of was with coard wise nilon tapes in the bottom seam of the canopy. They actually shrank enough to distort the airfoil. Then again they were already haveing problems with that design to begin with.


I see, what you're saying. In thinking about it, I recall what you are referring to.


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