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Re: [hottamaly] Joe Crotwell gone [In reply to] Quote | Reply


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All I know so far is the funeral will be back east as some of his family is from back there. Per his request, there will be a wake at Cal City in the next following weeks but no time frame has been established yet. I will let you know when I do.


On 6 May 2006 there will be a gathering of friends at Cal. City (Van & Alberta's hanger) to celebrate the life of Joe Crotwell. There will food and Gentleman Jack & water will be served. The time will be from 3:00 P.M. until ?????????????. Please bring pictures, stories and good memories to share.
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I watched the first season religiously.

I missed too much of the second season so I stopped watching/reading/hearing about it b/c:

Warning: Total dork statement coming;)

I plan to watch the entire Season 2 on DVD once it's out:P
Paint me in a corner, but my color comes back.

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They just had Michelle Rodriguez on GMA. She said it was part of her original contract that she wasn't going to last long on the show.

They also showed a deleted scene where Hurley and Libby were running on the beach and talking about the things that they missed. She said she missed music and he said there were albums in the hatch. That's how she ended up down there.

So, why do you think Michael killed? To make it look like the prisoner did it? Did he let him go? Has Michael changed sides to be with the Others? Argh!
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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Honestly? I think he's been led to believe that he can have his son if he does the bidding of the Others, and anyone who's watched the show knows that Michael cares about one thing and one thing only: Walt. I think he may be set to take the whole group down to get Walt back.
Kevin - Sonic Beef #5 - OrFun #28
"I never take myself too seriously, 'cuz everybody know fat birds don't fly." - FLC
Online communities: proof that people never mature much past high school.

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They just had Michelle Rodriguez on GMA. She said it was part of her original contract that she wasn't going to last long on the show.

They also showed a deleted scene where Hurley and Libby were running on the beach and talking about the things that they missed. She said she missed music and he said there were albums in the hatch. That's how she ended up down there.

So, why do you think Michael killed? To make it look like the prisoner did it? Did he let him go? Has Michael changed sides to be with the Others? Argh!

I was bored with the episode till Michael started up. I knew he was LYING when he said that the 'others' were old and couldn't fight. When we saw them on the ship they were acting like insane pirates from Deliverance.

I'm sure they blackmailed him into starting that. I don't know if he killed the guy in the hatch but he made it look like the guy took Anna's gun. There is no law on the Island. He'll have to do whatever he can to get Walt back and I think thats what he's doing.

Weren't there a few kids on the 'main' characters' side of the Island? Did the polar bear get them? The writers are NEVER going to be able to tie all those strings together. I love the show, but we've been fed 'crack' and can't get off now....~~April

Camelot II, the Electric Boogaloo!

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I also believe that "Henry", their former(?) prisoner is the leader of the Others. I think he planned to get caught and infiltrate the survivors camp. That's just my theory, though.
Kevin - Sonic Beef #5 - OrFun #28
"I never take myself too seriously, 'cuz everybody know fat birds don't fly." - FLC
Online communities: proof that people never mature much past high school.

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