
psycho packing and icarus canopies

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why does Icarus not recommend psycho packing the crossfire 2 but recommends it for the Saffire 2? does this hold true for crossfire 1s or might they suggest psycho packing for the 1's? and is the primary difference between the crossfire 1 and 2 line trim? appreciate any input

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this one guy had crossfire 1 he was psycho packing and he show me how to psycho packed my diablo 135 and I jump it, It open so slow (abut 900-1000ft) I was ready to chop it, that was a first and last time I psycho pack any canopy
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my buddy had asked icarus about the psycho pack when he first got his canopy, and they told him not to psycho, to propack. .. he has the safire2. .. something about it lasting longer/less stress on the canopy with the propack? .. i can't remember the details he gave me.
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I would guess that it would come down to R&D. Icarus wouldn't want to spend X amount of R&D jumps just to see if a psycho packed canopy opens any different. So they say pro-pack it as that's how they would have tested and developed the canopy and then they don't get people complaining if they have problem with a psycho pack.

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I would guess that it would come down to R&D. Icarus wouldn't want to spend X amount of R&D jumps just to see if a psycho packed canopy opens any different. So they say pro-pack it as that's how they would have tested and developed the canopy and then they don't get people complaining if they have problem with a psycho pack.

Don't be so naive. We built the first 1000 Icarus canopies and produced 100% of the original Icarus marketing program. All Icarus canopies were psycho-packed from the get-go, including the Fx, Vx, Safire, Crossfire, Tandem and Omega.

I personally developed the psycho-pack before Icarus was even on the map outside of New Zealand. (see the article in Parachutist magazine December 1995)

Anybody that leads you to believe any different is ill-informed or ill-willed. Whatever reason Icarus has for not recommending the psychopack has nothing to do with parachutes, only politics.

George Galloway
Precision Aerodynamics

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Psyco packing doesn't change the opening a bit, it simply can make bagging easier for those that have trouble bagging a canopy.

I get noticeably softer openings wing I psycho pack my Monarch 135 without rolling the nose compared to a pro-pack with rolled nose and tail.

The only real disadvantage is on canopies smaller than the bag they're going in. It's easy to get a tighter pack job which ends up being longer and skinnier. On the ground the shape seems to catch in the corners of the rig. I suspect this leads to the degraded openings I observed, with less heading consistency and more line twists.

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I also tried psycho packing my hornet when I had one.. I feel it did slow down the opening quite a bit.

I tried psycho packing only a bit before moving on to a vengeance ( wich has nice openings already) so I never really started packing psycho regularilly. So ofcourse my experience is kinda limited..

But I would be suprised if all the people who tell me they psycho pack because of the openings, were wrong...

EDIT: cant spell engilish...

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By the way...

Do you think psycho packing slows down the opening ?

Yes. Physically, it takes longer for a psycho pack to "unroll" than it does for an "S-folded" pro pack to unfold. It is only a small amount of time, but you can definitely feel the difference.

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I have a Sabre 170, a canopy well known for hard openings.
I have always pyscho packed it and the openings have always treated me well.
That said I have heard people say that psycho packing a sabre makes the openings harder...
It works well for me.

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I had a Sabre 170 that had a new center top skin on it, so it was pretty slick while trying to s-fold. And being that it was my first canopy and I was new at the packing thing, I learned to psycho pack for that reason. However, I did notice that my occasional slammer openings seemed to disappear after starting to psycho pack. Now I know that there were other variables involved in my case, such as the likelyhood of inconsistant pack jobs to begin with, but I believe that psycho packing can slow down your opening if you want it to.

I no longer psycho pack, though, because I don't "need" to; so why risk the wear and tear.

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I wouldn't say the openings are soft, they are quick, but fine. You are probably right, its not just the bagging technique that would give me good openings, its the whole pack job. But I have heard a number of people say they'd never psycho pack a sabre because they believe they will get slammed.
As I said, it works well for me.

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