
Evictions are Ticking me off

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Evictions tick off the normally cheerful Vinny. What the hell is it with people who think it is ok to not pay their rent? Why do they think it's OK to steal? I've got two units now with either a bounced check or no check and I'm processing evictions and it's ticked me way the hell off. I hate ruining somebody's credit and throwing them on the street, but people who steal from me deserve it I suppose, and using my property without paying for it as agreed is stealing.

Anybody have a clue as to what goes on in the mind of these thieves?

I think I'm putting in a new clause in my already long lease. An eviction clause where the renter agrees to pay me $1000 for an inconvenience fee if I have to evict their sorry ass for any reason. $1000 would buy a lot of tequila.

Vinny the Anvil
Post Traumatic Didn't Make The Lakers Syndrome is REAL

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I think I'm putting in a new clause in my already long lease. An eviction clause where the renter agrees to pay me $1000 for an inconvenience fee if I have to evict their sorry ass for any reason. $1000 would buy a lot of tequila.


Can they pay you by check? :|
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Yeah, but if I'm evicting them, the shitheads would probably bounce it. I'd probably end up adding it into what I'd already be taking their sorry ass to small claims court to snag the long and slow way via wage garnishment. Rent deposit alone has rarely been enough to cover the damages the a-holes do once they're shocked by the realization that I really am having the sheriff's office throw their thief ass out on the street for not paying their rent. I rent in decent neighborhoods too and run pretty thorough background checks. FUCK am I ticked off right now. Two units in the same month.
Vinny the Anvil
Post Traumatic Didn't Make The Lakers Syndrome is REAL

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I think I'm putting in a new clause in my already long lease. An eviction clause where the renter agrees to pay me $1000 for an inconvenience fee if I have to evict their sorry ass for any reason.

So, you're going to charge them more of what you know they already don't have any of.;) Let us know how that works.:S
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It will probably not work too well for immediate gratification, but I'll end up getting the money over time as I garnish the thief's wages for what he/she owes me. Eventually, I'll get it. Perhaps it will serve as a deterrent of sorts. Who knows?
Vinny the Anvil
Post Traumatic Didn't Make The Lakers Syndrome is REAL

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I'm not unsympathetic to your position; you have to do what you have to do. But chances are, their not having the rent money and getting evicted out from under the roof over their heads is more upsetting to them than it is to you. I'm sure they'd much rather have the money to meet all their expenses of ordinary living so that they can feel like functioning members of society. It can be very demoralizing to be in that position. Fewer people choose to live that way than you might think. Sometimes deadbeats are not assholes; they're just broke.

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You nailed it dude - for almost everybody I've ever evicted. These people drive nicer vehicles than I do. What happens when you default on the car-note? Mr. Repo-man comes to visit. Not paying your rent to a landlord is a WAY bigger financial burden on the landlord than it is to the bank or car company with the note on the car.

I'm off to the beach for my run-waddle to cool down.

Vinny the Anvil
Post Traumatic Didn't Make The Lakers Syndrome is REAL

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I disagree.I've had rental property before.Most of the people that I had to deal with always had beer money,cigarette money and lottery money.They are broke because of the decisions they make.



As you said 'Most'...

We have several rental houses, and yes I've had to evict families with brand new cars and big screen TV's

But on the other hand I was evicted from an apartment once and I didn't even KNOW it!

Like now, I traveled a lot, I use to write my rent check for 3 months in advance.

I dropped the three month check off a week early, post dated for the 1st and left town for 6 weeks.

Came back to all my stuff in trash bags in an unlocked storage bin!:o

The manager had tried to 'change' the date on the check...to the day I left it and the bank wouldn't take it.>:(

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There was a time when I had no money, terrible credit, and the whole bit. Luckily, I found a landlord who liked the way I presented myself, and rented a nice place to me.

Even though I was always broke, the very first bill I paid was my rent - it just seemed logical to me. As a way of thanking him for taking a chance on me, I actually left the place in better condition than I found it - painting, and other small fixes. If I see him in the old neighborhood, I always pull over and chat with him.

So, credit checks are not always the answeer. He would give me a sterling reference, regardless of what those reports said. Luckily, I am now a homeowner, and no longer have those problems......


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My lease has a clause in it that if I get evicted, I have to pay all the back rent owed, plus my landlord's expenses for the eviction. When I was leasing, we'd take tenants to court over this stuff all the time, and we always won.

Yes, but winning a decision and actually gettiing the money are two different things. In most of these cases there are additional incurred costs to file wage garnishment papers and such. In the meantime, they're renting from somebody else and guess what happens when the garnishment kicks in......repeat cycle.

I also agree about some people's priorities. Funny how some people spend their money before rent becomes a priority.

That really sucks, man. Hope it works out for you.

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Damn Vinnie, I totally feel your pain.

My grandmother has gone through this many, many times. She would try to help people out that had money issues and they would then rip her off. They'd be late and have all these excuses and my poor grandmother (who has a heart of gold and is always trying to help) would give them a chance.

Sometimes she'd end up going there to find out what was up after their 2nd or 3rd check bounced and the place would not only be empty but it would also be trashed. No good deed goes unpunished!

Oh and Stitch, not all landlords are slumlords. I've rented all my life and I've only had a slumlord once. So shut the hell up. >:(


(Do not, I repeat DO NOT, take my posts seriously.)

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Yeap - I'm in the same situation.. We have a second house (well a mortgage on one:() that we rent out. The current tenant has had work hourse reduced and cannt pay the rent - shame but not my fault and I still need to make payments.. Aghhhhh, why should I loose my property (if I default) because the tenant has a problem... Like you say, it's theft, in my book>:(>:(

We work hard for what we have and I could loose it through no faultr of my own:S


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I don't think Vinny has ever watered down perfectly good tequila


I disagree.I've had rental property before.Most of the people that I had to deal with always had beer money,cigarette money and lottery money.They are broke because of the decisions they make.

These are good points and I stand smarter than when I first posted!! B|B|

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Unfortunately there are always rotten tenants who are by their very nature freeloaders. However, in my line of work (I represent tenants in eviction matters) there are quite a few rotten landlords as well. [:/] The biggest problem in the county I work in is that the housing market is very tight and extremely expensive. Some well off landlords charge exorbitant rent for units they maintain in deplorable condition. Just make your lease as tight as possible and most jurisdictions provide for attorneys' fees and costs if you prevail.

Gosh, tequila sounds good!! :D Haven't had any in a long time. [:/]
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Oh and Stitch, not all landlords are slumlords. I've rented all my life and I've only had a slumlord once. So shut the hell up. >:(

For some reason,the movie"Grifters" comes to mind:P:D
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