
Ill tandem?

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I felt pretty ill after my first jump (tandem), mostly from the canopy ride (TM had a few line-twists to kick out, then did several spins). He was pretty lucky not to get puked on. My stomach was inside-out for a while, but my lunch stayed with me, and I was back the next week for AFF.

I was amused yesterday talking to a friend who got ill on his first tandem, with a D-lic helping a friend get his rating.

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I'm a TM that's been chummed on once. I make sure to ask my passengers how they feel, especially when doing turns. I go as radical or gentle as they want. I've kept clean and dry since. :)
I don't like riding as a passenger. It feels disorienting to me when you turn, somehow like you're too far in front of the center of the turn or something. Even with thousands of jumps, that gets my stomach.:S:D

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I think it has more to do with who's driving. Nobody seems to get carsick when they are the one who is at the wheel.
I also ask how the student is feeling, and if they indicate that they might get sick I tell them that they wont and that nobody throws up when jumping. Usually this "power of suggestion" will keep them from hurling. If they assure me that they are going to blow, I tell them to lean left......while I lean right.
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If they assure me that they are going to blow, I tell them to lean left......while I lean right.

That doesn't always work so well. I have them put their face inside their shirt. Screw their clothes, I tell them they can buy a T shirt at the dz :D

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Well I'm not a tandem master, but I have been puked on by a tandem student before. I was getting my stuff out of my car, witch was parked by the landing area, and all of a sudden I felt something wet splatter on me and all over the wind shield. At first I thought it was a very sick bird until I overheard one of the tandem masters talking about getting puked on by his student on the last load:oB|:S. Yuck! and to make matters worse the DZ I was as didn't even have showers. Luckily for me my friends had a brought a lot of water with them:D.
Fly like a girl

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There's a FABULOUS video of a tandem landing in Texas. . . I *think* the sweatshirt I have from there just said "Skydive Texas" (can't find it at the moment—gotta clean my room), but looking at the DZs on USPA.org I see no listing for that. Anyhoo, the tandem catcher was a friend of mine named Glenn, a giant red-haired sasquatch from Canada. Passenger and TM land, cameraman interviews passenger, and passenger passes out mid-interview. I know that doesn't sound terribly funny as such, but does red-head Canadian Glenn, Texas, and the infamous video ring a bell with anyone here? I know he showed it to a lot of people, an' I have a copy of it here, hee hee. (Not uploadable, tho.) [:/]
Muff Brother #2169

"You can take the girl out of the sky, but not the sky out of the girl!"

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Ha! This is classic as yesterday I witnessed my first ill tandem.

She hurled at 3 thousand feet on the plane just as they were getting ready to dispatch SL students. Hand over the mouth spray by all accounts and not any real warning. JM got out with the SL and the tandems left on the plane had to ride down so they could clear up and get her some air (that is not of the 120mph kind). What is classic is she had to use her TM's helmet as a chunder bowl. Nice.

Anyway she would not give up and she went up later in the day. Did the jump and when she landed proceeded to blow chunks on the landing area. As her TM walked in we all notice a bit of pukey on his face. Hmmmm nice.

Thing is I think both of them deserve a medal. Her for going through with it even after all of that and her TM for taking her up again.

Warriors!B| or just plain stoopid?:S

I will admit I felt like hurling under canopy on mine but I managed to leave it until I was about 5 miles away from the DZ before I checked out yesterdays dinner.:D

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