Shotgun 1 #26 May 10, 2006 I've only had stitches one time, but in three different places: my left knee, my right shoulder, and on my head next to my right eye. My shoulder even had a cool little tube thingie stuck in it for a while to drain out the glass. This was from a car wreck that I had two weeks before my 16th birthday. I got a ticket for driving without a license and for not wearing a seatbelt, but the wreck was actually not my fault; some chick ran a red light and hit me as I was turning left. I broke the windshield with my head, knocked out the passenger-side window with my shoulder, and took out the car stereo with my knee. Funny, I constantly have these "awake during sleep paralysis" dreams, where I'm sort of awake but I can't move... and when I started coming to after the wreck, I thought I was having one of those dreams, except it was different because all I could see was red (blood in my eyes from the head wound)... I kept hearing voices from a man and a woman telling me that everything would be ok and that the ambulance would be there soon, but I don't think that I really realized what was going on until I fully woke up in the ambulance... and then I started freaking out asking where Naomi was (a six-year-old girl that I had been babysitting that day - but luckily I had left her with my mom). The last thing I could remember was having her with me... Apparently I had people looking for her until my mom arrived at the emergency room with her. Anyhow, that's my stitches story... The scars on my head and knee are pretty much gone, but I still have ugly scars on my shoulder. They used to be so dark that people would ask me if it was a tattoo, so I finally decided to get a tattoo around them... but the tattoo artist didn't think that was good idea, so I ended up getting one on the opposite shoulder... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Douva 0 #27 May 10, 2006 Quote I've got an appendectomy scar and two episiotomies. Nothing cool at all... too cautious I guess. Do you have any interesting scars and the stories to go along with them? All dates are approximate: 1. Forehead - Playing football in the house with my dad - 1982 2. Bridge of nose - Mole removed - 1985 3. Chin - Hit the edge of the pool - 1987 4. Upper lip - Mole removed - 1988 5. Right thumb - Cut while whittling - 1989 6. Forehead - Cousin speared me with pole while playing shark in swimming pool - 1990 7. Forehead - Dove into shallow water and hit head on bottom (no anesthetic) - 1991 8. Left middle finger - Cut with scissors - 1994 9. Side of right foot - Slipped jumping out of boot, foot impaled by cleat (no anesthetic) - 1996I don't have an M.D. or a law degree. I have bachelor's in kicking ass and taking names. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Icon134 0 #28 May 10, 2006 Lets see. - The top of my head when I ran into the corner of a table after missing a chair while fighting over TV channels Pre-remote control (when I was little...) - Above my eye from the family golden retriever Ginger (seems she didn't like my head that close to hers...) - My thumb has several from when was using a pocket Knife incorrectly as a youngun... while in bed... the night before thanksgiving... (I wandered around the house bleeding all over everything... Until I asked my dad for a bandage and he proceeded to grab a towel then took me to the ER ...) I have like no pain threshold... Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NWFlyer 2 #29 May 10, 2006 forehead ... top-heavy toddler incident right wrist ... hand through glass door incident left index finger ... tragic bagel-cutting incident left shoulder ... surgery abdomen ... surgery Methinks that's it."There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bozo 0 #30 May 10, 2006 4 knee surgeries.....8 each time skydiving 2 spinal surgeries....49 staples each time skydiving 3 right hip surgeries..25 stitches each football 21 stitches inside my lower lip 10 outside fight 12 stitches on the back of my head car accident 10 staples right shoulder surgery football bozo bozo Pain is fleeting. Glory lasts forever. Chicks dig scars. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GiaKrembs 0 #31 May 10, 2006 Once, I sliced off the top of my right thumb. There were several other injuries that probably should have required stitches - I butterflied them together until they finally healed. g Raddest ho this side of Jersey #1 - rest in peace brother Beth lost her cherry and I missed it .... you want access to it, but you don't want to break it. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
orangemagoo 0 #32 May 10, 2006 Quote I've got an appendectomy scar and two episiotomies. Nothing cool at all... too cautious I guess. Do you have any interesting scars and the stories to go along with them? I had a few stitches near my right eye when my brother shoved me into a glass table when I was four ... ... and nine stitches on my heel in 2001 when I tried to close a door with my foot ... caught the corner of the metal door with my heel. Bizarre. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lastchance 0 #33 May 10, 2006 I quit counting over 20 years ago, but alot. I may be getting old but I got to see all the cool bands. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andy_Copland 0 #34 May 10, 2006 Thumb - Stitches Eyebrow - Stitches Arse - Stitches Right leg - Stitches Chin - Stitches 1338 People aint made of nothin' but water and shit. Until morale improves, the beatings will continue. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lawrocket 3 #35 May 10, 2006 Quote How many times did the doctors call social services on your poor parents? The doctors actually stuck up for my mom when social services investigated, telling them that everything was self-inflicted. My mom laughs about that now. My wife is hotter than your wife. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
steelyeye 0 #36 May 11, 2006 Chin - about 100 - Fell down stairs a lot, plus football, plus my one pitiful attempt at breakdancing in high school Temple - about 10 - Fell UP stairs Knee/Wrist - about 50 - Surgery Thumb - about 20 - cut end off with a table saw (to quote my wife after I came in from the garage and whimpered "Honey...we need to go to the!" she said, "I don't want to know what you did, I don't want to see it, and you're a dumb ass...") Foot - about 20 - fell off breakwater and landed in a bunch of oysters medical record is getting quite thick with stupid stuff like this! "Better a has-been than a never-was. Better a never-was than a never-tried-to-be..." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JENNR8R 0 #37 May 11, 2006 (to quote my wife after I came in from the garage, "I don't want to know what you did, I don't want to see it, and you're a dumb ass...") medical record is getting quite thick with stupid stuff like this! Quote How did your wife feel about you taking up skydiving? What do you call a beautiful, sunny day that comes after two cloudy, rainy ones? -- Monday. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
steelyeye 0 #38 May 11, 2006 Great actually - she did a tandem the same day I did my FJC (although she thought the tandem was a lot of fun, she did not catch the bug)! "Better a has-been than a never-was. Better a never-was than a never-tried-to-be..." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Yoshi 0 #39 May 11, 2006 head: 4 stiches ( my first... I was 3 years old) finger: 8 stiches... I was surprised thats all it took to put the tip of my finger back on after it got ripped off in a rough game on two hand touch football when I was 11 leg: can remember how many stiches when I accidentally stabbed myself when whittling a piece of wood when I was 14 thumb: 4-5 stiches when I was doing my best emiril impression and chopping up some onions when making those pampered chef knives are sharp! I could have used plenty more, but got away with the liquid stiches and butterfly bandages for the rest that I can remember well...other than surgeries that I needed stiches, but they were all the kind that dissolve themselves_________________________________________ this space for rent. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lindsey 0 #40 May 11, 2006 Damn, make me look girlie or something. I've only had stitches 3 times..... my left upper lip my chin and my...ahem...[whisper]twat[\whisper] oops...edited to add right ankle along with my little bit of hardware. I think that's all. linz-- A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
monkycndo 0 #41 May 11, 2006 Only once. When I got snipped.50 donations so far. Give it a try. You know you want to spank it Jump an Infinity Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JENNR8R 0 #42 May 11, 2006 What do you call a beautiful, sunny day that comes after two cloudy, rainy ones? -- Monday. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nightingale 0 #43 May 11, 2006 LOL! On the first day of school, I used to have to talk to my teachers and explain that on occasion I will come to school with bruises and black eyes, and no, it wasn't my parents' fault. It was just being involved in a contact sport. Most of them believed me, and the ones that didn't figured it out when they asked me how I'd gotten that black eye, and I just laughed and said "I blocked a punch with my face." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Clite 0 #44 May 11, 2006 Can't remember how many were in each one, but I have had several. Learned something from each. Bottom of foot-Was walking barefoot when I noticed a trail of blood that went back two houses up the sidewalk. Never felt that one. Behind the ear- When you are running and see something immoveable, stop.(had a hearing aid on and hit a wall) Left thumb- Don't carve or whittle wood with a razor and hold the stick on the wrong end. That one took a year to get the movement back in my thumb. down the Middle of my tongue from back to front-not really sitches, but a sort of butterfly, Not sure how it happened but it was after falling from a second story window through a tree. Left eyebrow-Again butterfly, Don't try to kill a fly with a claw hammer on a iron milk crate( the hammer bounces back up) Upper lip-Split in two, Don't get too close to someone doing a slap shot, the hockey stick will get you if the puck doesn't. Upper tip of middle finger-Fork truck does not stop if the driver is not paying attention. Top of head- 300 lbs of lead held up by 4 guys on a jerryrigged hoist is not safe to stand under. Never said I was a smart guy. But I did learn alot Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wingnut 0 #45 May 11, 2006 i didn't have any visable stitches, but i did have 6 staples in my back.... but it was just from back surgery to repair a serverly protruding disc.... oh wait, i did have a stitch through my septum when i had the deviation fixed last year... was a wierd feeling when they took the stitch out and pulled the splints out.... ______________________________________ "i have no reader's digest version" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Acensky 0 #46 May 11, 2006 10- inside my mouth surgery 20- X2, right upper arm cyst removal 47- lower right leg Cancered mole removal 4- Left shoulder Biopsy. Not that many compaired to the rest of ya HeatherGarbage bags do not make good parachutes. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jamdiablo 0 #47 May 11, 2006 Severed my ear from my head when I was young (maybe 2) Wisdom teeth Stepped on an ornament Christmas Eve Rest I was too stuborn to actually do anything about, thus leaving me with a LOT of scars. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
stitch 0 #48 May 11, 2006 I had 18 stitches to sew my right thumb back together.It got caught in a railroad locomotive door when I was eight."No cookies for you"- GFD "I don't think I like the sound of that" ~ MB65 Don't be a "Racer Hater" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
n2skdvn 0 #49 May 11, 2006 about four or five times. various cuts and one surgery.if my calculations are correct SLINKY + ESCULATOR = EVERLASTING FUN my site Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Squeak 17 #50 May 11, 2006 I have 13 scars on my scalp, I can account for about 4 of them i have a long scar on my left palm from when i was a little kid I jumps from a roof and part way down decided it was a bad idea and grabbed onto a corrugated iron fenceYou are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky) My Life ROCKS! How's yours doing? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites