
AFF - Home country or Abroad

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Hello everyone,

Following my RAPS jump last year, I finally have enough money that I can do AFF. I've been looking into doing it in my own country (Scotland), or doing it abroad - specifically the freefall university in Spain.

Now, to do it abroad it's all done within a week, the cost of flying out there, accommodation etc, all except food and drink is in the cost. To do it at home, it's only at weekends, it's in Scotland (I automatically think crap weather) and the cost is only for the training, oh and the cost of getting there each weekend will be expensive too.

Here's the thing, it's cheaper to do it in Spain by a large amount which would be enough to pay for food, drink and then some to come back home with. Now as far as I can see, there are no reasons to do it in Scotland, none at all unless you have a fear of the sun or don't like not being able to get a pint of Tennants. I suffer from neither of these.

Have I missed anything important? The freefall university has great reviews on this site and it seems like such a no-brainer to pick it, but, just thought I would check before I part with the cash - so far the biggest spend of my life in one go barring my postgrad course!

Oh - and I only found that from google, so if anyone knows of any other good places for AFF to look into that would be much appreciated too :) Hope to be able to start posting as someone in the sport soon rather than wanting to be!
...dust in the wind dude, dust in the wind....

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If you can save money by taking a trip, and doing it all at once, then I'm not sure why you're even asking.

Seeing as you've already made one jump, and you know that you like it, book the trip. Being able to make all of your jumps in a short period of time will assist with your learning. The more time that passes in between weach jump, the more you forget what you learned from your last jump.

In the US, if you go more than 30 days in between student jumps, you generally end up having to that level over again.

Here's a thought - figure out how much you will save by going to Spain, let's say it's $250. Now figure out how many fun jumps you can make in Spain (once the training is over) for $250, and plan on making that many fun jumps before you leave. And if you have a credit card, figure out how many jumps you can pile on that, too.

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I was going to continue with RAPS after my first jump. Moved location from England to Scotland and went to Strathallan for next jump and the weather wasn't good to jump in. The next weekend I damaged my knee while doing some hiking in Norway and that put a stop to thoughts of carrying on for quite a while. If it hadn't been for that I can see no reason why I wouldn't have carried on doing RAPS, which is a shame because the people there were really nice and friendly.

In the time injured though I started watching videos of students and thought AFF seems to be a better way to go. I spoke about this on another thread, ( http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?post=3519868;page=3) and my thought is, if I was to start doing freefall by RAPS, if anything goes wrong like going unstable there is not much time to deal with it - in AFF there appears to be more breathing room - it's put better in that other thread. A couple of people seemed to agree there was truth in this (and judged my gender wrong... maybe should change that picture).


Yeah, I figured it was a no-brainer, but if it is such a simple choice, why doesn't everyone do it? So I thought I would check, see if I was missing something important, can do no harm in checking.
...dust in the wind dude, dust in the wind....

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I have met lots of British skydivers training in Florida or Arizona.
The best way to learn is to compress the most difficult lessons (early freefalls) into one week.

IOW try breaking it down to a series of small blocks of instruction.
RAPS may be the best way to learn the basics of steering a parachute.
If you are serious about learning to freefall, try to fly in the Bedford wind tunnel, then go skydive your @#$$ off for a week in Spain.

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