
Where to get various colored collapsible PC's?

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Right now I've got an order in for a Mirage G4 and I tried to order it with a yellow pilot chute, but apparently Mirage only has black or white - I got black, and for now I'm cool with that, I'm just stoked I'm gonna have my own rig. But... ... I've got this smiley face theme going on with my rig, and eventually I'd like to get a yellow PC so I can put a smiley on it too :)
Anybody know who might sell those?
"We'll start the ass kissing with you"

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I'm also trying to figure if it'd be a good idea to have the smiley printed (silk screened, I guess?) on the PC, or if it could be embroidered - would that affect the PC's volume or fabric integrity?

I suppose I should have asked this in the initial post... ...oh well.
"We'll start the ass kissing with you"

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I'm also trying to figure if it'd be a good idea to have the smiley printed (silk screened, I guess?) on the PC, or if it could be embroidered - would that affect the PC's volume or fabric integrity?

I suppose I should have asked this in the initial post... ...oh well.

Its your money in the end, but you do realize that the smiley face would never be visible, right?

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I'm also trying to figure if it'd be a good idea to have the smiley printed (silk screened, I guess?) on the PC, or if it could be embroidered - would that affect the PC's volume or fabric integrity?

Parachutes (and pilot chutes) can be printed with a dye sublimation process.

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I'm also trying to figure if it'd be a good idea to have the smiley printed (silk screened, I guess?) on the PC, or if it could be embroidered - would that affect the PC's volume or fabric integrity?

I suppose I should have asked this in the initial post... ...oh well.

Its your money in the end, but you do realize that the smiley face would never be visible, right?

Except when packing during the time between when the canopy is placed on the ground and successfully bagged which will take a new jumper a relatively long time.

Cost should be pretty inconsequential compared to the $6K you'd spend on a new rig.

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Its your money in the end, but you do realize that the smiley face would never be visible, right?

LOL, I thought the same thing but the reason we do most things in life is to make ourselves happy, right! If he wants to get it done, what the hell. I have a smiley face altimeter that I like!

To each his own...

Scott C.
"He who Hesitates Shall Inherit the Earth!"

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