
saffire2 vs. pilot

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it is very swoopable. despite not being designed as a swooping specific canopy.

I guess you would suggest something else if someone wants to involve in swooping. It has quite a short recovery arc. I had a 90 degrees turn started about 10-15 meters than I was landing with full flare. I guess it saved my butt, but I'm much happier under a Cobalt 135 now.

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The Pilot 168 - Pros: nice openings, on heading, decent toggle input, flater glide angle (compared to Spectre), inexpensive canopy, easy to find used ones, can get a new one (stock) quicker than a Safire2 stock canopy. Cons: flight characteristics were on the sluggish side. Just not that fun to fly.

The Safire2 169 - Pros: nice openings, on heading, nice toggle input, flater glide angle (compared to Spectre), flight characteristics were more on the zippy side. Very fun to fly this canopy! Cons: hard to find used Safire2's, new ones are more expensive than a new Pilot and it takes 6 months to get a new Safire2.

With all that being said, I bought a Pilot 168 to hone my flying and landing skills. My plan is to fly it then order a Safire2 in 6 months. This will give me a year on the Pilot 168 then I'll be downsizing to a Safire2 150.

I think it depends on what you enjoy about the canopy. Do you love to fly the canopy or is it just to get you back to the ground?

I'm glad I demoed so many canopies. I learned a lot!

--just wanted to add both Aerodyne and Icarus have good reputations and good customer service!
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I was jumping a Tri 160 for several years, then got a new Safire 2 139. Honestly, I've never jumped a Pilot. I absolutely love the openings I'm gettin' with the Safire 2 and have been told by many, that the only thing that opens sweeter is the Crossfire.

What I absolutely love about the Safire 2, is the way it handles in the rough stuff. On my first jump with it, the turbulence was severe...especially on the base leg. Everyone else seemed to be getting bucked around quite a bit but I glided in, smooth as silk (well, maybe nylon). Most other canopies appeared to mush-out and lost some of their rigidity but from under it, my Safire 2 appeared to remain full and tight. I had the op to see video of most of the load coming in and my canopy clearly was the most stable of the lot....at a 1.04:1 WL....most others were higher. The Safire 2 seems to require a deeper flare than most, if you just coast 'er in but still , the landings range from really nice, to totally sweet. It can be much more docile than many had led me to believe but if you really put your foot in it, she'll crank with the best of 'em.

I had some initial problems with delivery (custom order) but I'd have to admit, it was worth the wait. Have you considered the Fusion?
"T'was ever thus."

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