
Icarus Safire 2 - Pro Pack or Psycho Pack - read first

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Hello Safire2 owners. I'd like to know which packing method you are using on this canopy. The Safire2 long snivel issue is well know. The factory points out that the best way to pack this type of canopy is psycho-packing it. I've tried both, and it seems that the pro-pack reduces the snivel. I Would like to hear from you. Which one of the two packing methods will reduce the snivel? Thanks! Blue skies!

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My safire 1 135 always snivelled for ~1000ft, put another pilotchute on it, problem solved. The safire 1 119 I jump now opens just fine with a pro pack, as did the safire 2 119 i borrowed for a few jumps. Just don't roll the tail too much and just leave the nose hanging. i've never tried psycho packing don't see why i'd have to if pro-pack works fine ;)

ciel bleu,

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There's a lot of strong opinions about pro/psycho... personally I think it's a bunch of BS. The important parts of the packjob are identical, with the only difference being how one gets the parachute in the bag.

Snivel is controlled much more by how you do/don't roll the nose and tail and how you clover the slider than by how you put it in the bag. However, it may also be influenced by how WELL you get it in the bag. I say go with whichever method 1) works for you and 2) you can perform with greater competence.

Many will disagree with me, just remember that they are all posting only what works for them. For the record I always do a standard pro-pack on 100% of canopies, from Parafoils to Velocities to PD Tandem 500's. It works best for me;).

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I have a Safire 2 189 and I have packed it both ways. The openings are the same. Pro packing takes up less room in the container.

I have to agree in every point. And I have to add, that I find it MUCH easier to bag the canopy via Psycho Pack!
It's so incredible easy!!!!...........

Don't be a Lutz!

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I've put 200 jumps on my safire II 169, and have packed both ways. I don't notice any difference in openings, but find that the psycho pack goes into the D-bag easier.
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