
Are you a thread killer?

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Thanks for sticking up for me like that :)
What does "El Perdido" mean? I have been to Texas, but did not stick around long enough to pick up any of the local sayings :P. I did almost get married in Dallas. Twice.

Let's see if this is the post that kills the thread (I hope not)

I don't think it will be!

Where troubles melt like lemon drops Away above the chimney tops That's where you'll find me.
Swooping is taking one last poke at the bear before escaping it's cave - davelepka

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Damn. I just scared myself. [shudder]

But you didn't scare me! So, what is the weapon of choice for you?

Pistols or knives?
Light saber?
Oiled bowling pin?
Pick handle?
Rolled up newspaper?
Angle grinder?

Your choice - and then - En Garde! ;)

Bum's the word!

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This thread is officially dead

Did you check for a pulse? Try CPR? How can you tell then?

piep..... piep.... piep.... piep... piep... piep..... piep.... piep.... piep... piep... piep..... piep.... piep.... piep... piep... piep..... piep.... piep.... piep... piep... piep..... piep.... pieppieppieppieppieppieppieppieppiep..... piep.... piep.... piep... piep... piep..... piep.... piep.... piep... piep...

See? You just have to have faith. :P

Bum's the word!

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Thanks for sticking up for me like that :)
What does "El Perdido" mean? I have been to Texas, but did not stick around long enough to pick up any of the local sayings :P. I did almost get married in Dallas. Twice.

Let's see if this is the post that kills the thread (I hope not)

You're welcome! :)
El Perdido basically means 'lost one', or 'the lost guy', something like that.

Wow- almost married twice in Dallas? Same girl? Or do you just really like Dallas?

Nah, this thread isn't gonna die if I can help it.

Heh, that's funny- I forgot that most non-americans hold their thumbs for luck instead of crossing their fingers like we do... regardless, it seems to have worked, right? ;)

you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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<readies her flyswatter>

Oh, you are SO askin' for it, little boy!

[Chinese fighting voice] OOOoowaaahhh EeeYA! [/Chinese fighting voice]

Take that!!


you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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It seems like every thread I start posting to dies pretty shortly thereafter, typically with my post being last.
Now, I know most threads don't live forever, but I feel like I'm the one killing them.

Does anyone else feel that way? Or am I just paranoid? :S

Ummmm, yep ... sure have been feeling that way as well ... not sure how many you've killed but I'm at least somewhere close behind ... if not in the lead. I've kinda gotten the feeling that the people who "fly together, thread together." Only my opinion ... but there you have it (want it or not ;))

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A thread is a thread is a thread.....ya can only do so much. I think it all depends on the sense of humor....giving the current audience....their a tough bunch...considering who tried to make the funny.:|

We do not have to visit a madhouse to find disordered minds; our planet is the mental institution of the universe.
-Johann von Goethe

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You are not parnoid. I feel this way, too sometimes.:P

I swear people pm each other to not post anymore to a thread I've recently posted to.

It's a conspiracy, Rebecca.


They're listening:S

Edit: OK, seriously people. You have to warn me when threads are OLD![:/]
Paint me in a corner, but my color comes back.

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