
A "what if" moment

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I have a very personal event happen to me about 4 years ago...no one here knows anything about it...it was one of those events that lasted off and on, for about 2 years...until one day I had to make a decision.....a fork in the road, if you will....today for some reason I went to that moment...and thought, "what if" I chose the other road....do any of you have those moments...I realize that we make choices everyday, but this moment has to do with a real life changing issue...a "what if" I did it the other way, where would I be today....

BTW...I made the right choice.;)

just pondering,
A miracle is not defined by an event. A miracle is defined by gratitude.

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Sure we do. I was 20 years old and had failed out of college. I'd worked two jobs and decided that this wasn't for me, and I wanted to go back to school. So I worked 75 hours per week and took 8 units of summer school at UC Irvine. For 12 weeks I had three days a week of work from 6-3, class from 3:30 to 5:30, and work from 6:30 -2:00.

One night my friends at my evening job decided to intervene on night at about 11:00. I'd lost a lot of weight, they said, and I was never hanging out with them anymore. I needed to go with them and hang out that night. The problem was my midterm exam the next day that I needed to study for. I told them I couldn't hang out, I had to study. After a good sized discussion for about 20 minutes they left.

I'd never felt so alone in my life.

Of course, I aced that test. I got back into school, and I am now doing well. I don't wonder "What if?" I know "what if?" I would have set the tone for the rest of my life.

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Yup, I've had one of those.... Can't say whether it was the right or wrong choice to this day. :|


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.... you want access to it, but you don't want to break it.

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I've had several. The biggest one I am still pondering years later. I suppose good things have happened to me since; however, what if I had chosen the other way? Maybe things would be better but I'll never know. For now thigs are pretty good! :)
Character cannot be made except by a steady, long continued process. -- Phillips Brooks

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I don't allow myself the option of looking back and thinking "what if". [:/]

I am afraid that I may see that I made a mistake somewhere along the road and then begin to question all of my decisions. I have been at a place where I had to choose which fork in the road to take, it's never an easy thing to do. I'll never know if I took the right one but I can say that I am happy with who I am and the direction my life is going.

For me, that's enough.

Bombing for peace is like fucking for virginity!

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"I am afraid that I may see that I made a mistake somewhere along the road and then begin to question all of my decisions"

The only way we learn from our mistakes is to recognize them and accept them for what they were...mistakes. By the same token...it is good to be happy with where/what you are..after all you can't change the past but you can choose your future.

A miracle is not defined by an event. A miracle is defined by gratitude.

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after all you can't change the past but you can choose your future.

Exactly. I cannot change the past and so I take those lessons with me, but I do not look back or wonder if I made the right choice. I cannot change the decisions that I have made, but I can move forward as a wiser and better person.

Bombing for peace is like fucking for virginity!

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I have such moments all the time...actually, I think we all do. I usually try to not spend too much time thinking about the path not taken and more time on the path I've found (put) myself on.

(drink Mountain Dew)

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I guess for me...going back to that moment it was a"what if" moment but it was also one of those..."God, things could have been so different"...had I not recgonized that moment, where I needed to come to grips with where I was right then and there.....things would have been different...that type of moment...I'm not making sense...its hard to get my point across...

I'm not saying the way you are thinking is right or wrong...

A miracle is not defined by an event. A miracle is defined by gratitude.

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Yeap. I had one just around christmas.

It was the decision to either stay with my husband, support him while he sat around playing his videos games, and basically putting the computer and his friends before me. Or leave him and start my life over.

I started my life over, it hasn't been easy, and it's only been about 4 months.

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No, I understand the point that you're trying to make. We just see things from different angles.

For me, when I am at the moment where I have to decide I trust that my instincts, knowledge, and past lessons will help me to decide what to do. Once I make a choice I do not look back or question it. I continue on that road until it forks again.

This has worked well for me. It doesn't leave room for regret and it allows me to be happy.


I guess not all "what if" moments have to be filled with regret.

You and I agree on this point.

Bombing for peace is like fucking for virginity!

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i often think about what if... like what if i would of stayed on active duty in the air force, well alot of things would of been diffrent this past year, i'd bee living in south carolina right now, but i think i wouldn't trade the choice i made for the life of me.. had a blast this past year, and who knows someday i might try and go back...

"i have no reader's digest version"

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Never look back, it's a fools folly!

Agreed. I have had many. Some had to be made because of a previous "life choice". Some I am sure to this day it was right. Some others not so sure, but I don't look back. I made the choices and they can't be changed.

Gunnery Sergeant of Marines
"I would like it if I were challenged mentally at my job and not feel like I'm mentally challenged." - Co-worker

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I have. I'm sure we all do at some point. For me, reflecting usually came shortly after making the decision. Reflecting long term later on for meant that something happened where I was making a new decision again and I wondered if I had went another route if I would be faced with having to make the new decision.

I think I just confused myself.:S

Gunnery Sergeant of Marines
"I would like it if I were challenged mentally at my job and not feel like I'm mentally challenged." - Co-worker

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