
Your Work...what do you love/hate most

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I love working for a company that pays for 5 jumps a month as a corporate perk and also when the president says, "Screw work, let's leave early and go make some jumps. Ted Strong rocks!!!!

I hate the traffic when I leave work
Think of how stupid the average person is and realize that statistically half of them are stupider than that.

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I'm head lifeguard/pool manager for the biggest pool in the city.

I love:

Being outside
Getting a tan
Getting in the water
Going on the slides
Looking at the ladies

I hate:
Parents who don't watch their kids *
Worthless employees that I can't fire because I have nobody to replace 'em with
Kids who don't listen
People who expect a refund when it starts to rain/storm, and it's been in the forecast for days. Seriously, people...

* This is seriously my pet peeve. Lifeguards are not babysitters. They are not there to make sure your kids are sharing and playing nice. They are there as the last line of defense against serious injury or death. If the guards have to act to save the life of a child, it almost always means the parent was not doing his or her job. Quit sitting on the deck reading a book and drinking your lemonade, and watch the damned kids. If you don't want to do this, pay a babysitter, most lifeguards aren't making enough to pull double duty as parents. Full stop, end of argument. >:(

Among the few exceptions to this rule are the rare case of a kid jumping in without looking and landing on someone, or someone buggering up a jump off the diving board, or something along those lines. That's just a case of 'shit happens', and that's why the lifeguards are there. If I can avoid ever having to put a little kid on a backboard again for the rest of my life, I'll be happy.
cavete terrae.

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I work 7 days on 7 days off in remote locations all over Texas

the 7 days off im able to plan trips for longer than a weekend

Having someone 500 miles away tell me how i should do my job>:(
Having to cook:D:D

Not only will you look better, feel better, and fuck better; you'll have significantly increased your life expectancy. --Douva

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Getting paid enough that I can take 6-12 months out of every 24 to do something that I actually enjoy.
Actually some of the people here are great, its just that IT is *really* boring.


Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. If you don't take it out and use it, its going to rust.

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My job is engineering. I like the travel, seeing ideas come to life, teaching...the pay....the people...the hours....the free food...vacations are like 30 days a year....benefits are stupid good...

The only thing that could use a change is the work environment could use more privacy. :S

Other than that, I guess I really just love everything about it. Coming into work everyday is always a new challenge.

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