
What size rig and canopy is appropriate??

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Thats like asking "What color is the best" Its a loaded question since we do not know anything about your ability, your currency, your jump numbers and a ton of other factors.

Get us some more details and we'll be glad to help. :)

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Having recently gone from no jumps recently I can say that it's worthwhile to get a number of jumps (let's say 40-60) under your belt then look at getting a rig. I've never flown the smaller stuff but from the technical end you will probably want to get something big even if you're loading it lightly. Something like a 120 is bound to have short lines and will be very responsive.


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another option is to talk with your instructors about what kind of canopy would be good for you. They know your capabilities in regards to flying.
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another option is to talk with your instructors about what kind of canopy would be good for you. They know your capabilities in regards to flying.

Don't just listen to your instructors, I'm in your weight range, and was adviced to get a 135 sqr ft main by my instructors just to get to 1:1.1 wingload, that's supposedly very important to have to get decent penetration and flare. It turned out I didn't want all that speed.

They may have a look at your landings and say how they think you fly and land, and give recommendations based on that, but only you can know what you want and don't want. You can learn a lot on a canopy that's slightly "too big", while a too small one just increases your chances of breaking something, and that means less jumping.

And get more jumps before you start thinking about buying gear.

Just MHO.
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Don't just listen to your instructors

Listen to your instructors, read what the manufacturers say about the various canopies and suggested loadings, have a look here for general advice then make your own mind up.

Not all instructors are created equal, and some will give better advice than others. In my limited experience, those with more years and more jumps tend to give better advice.

If you feel that your instructors are making suggestions that are too aggressive/too conservative, ask them about it, discuss your concerns.

Just ignoring the advice of the most experienced people around who know you, and have seen you land is frankly nonsensical.

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The advice wasn't "don't listen to your instructors," it was "don't JUST listen to your instructors." I think you said exactly the same thing.

I've heard instructors give bad advice before... like it's better to get a smaller reserve because you won't get good performance out of a bigger one. I had instructors recommend a 135 for my first canopy too, straight from a 230 student canopy. Maybe I would have been fine, but I'm still glad I didn't JUST listen to my instructors. (Actually I did because the advice was a zero-p 135 or an F111 150, which is what I went with).


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>What size rig would best fit me and what size canopy?

Mirage with a 13" MLW rig, Silhouette 150 and PD-143R reserve. There ya go.

Seriously, if it's your first rig, your question is more likely to be "what used rigs can I find that fit me?" The canopy choice will be decided by what you're used to. If you are used to Navigator 220's, then your first canopy should be around a 190. If you're renting 190's and doing great, then a 170 might be OK. If you're renting 190's and having trouble, then a 190 might be a better choice.

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I'm in your weight range, and was adviced to get a 135 sqr ft main by my instructors just to get to 1:1.1 wingload, that's supposedly very important to have to get decent penetration and flare. It turned out I didn't want all that speed.
Any canopy that is below 150 is considerd high performance reguarless of wing loading.

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Thats like asking "What color is the best"

the answer is black - it won't show the dirt while you are learning to land, oh and all the above info is good too

just make sure you always use your rig, we had a low-time jumper grab an identical looking rig with a tiny VX in it, luckily we stopped her before she got on the plane

Give one city to the thugs so they can all live together. I vote for Chicago where they have strict gun laws.

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