
The video in the General Skydiving Forum

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It's a shame the self-prophesed safety-naziis on this board, who post waaaay more than they skydive, really take the fun out of this place.

Between the tandem hybrid, the "cowden" video, and skygods bitching about every little thing they can around here I'm about ready to call it quits too... :|

See ya:D:D:D:D
BTW posted jump numbers for you 499, posts 1400ish:P
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
My Life ROCKS!
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if you don't think it's funny, don't watch it! If you've got a problem with Chris, you've got a problem with me, so fuck all y'all.


I heart you :P
Pete Draper,

Just because my life plan is written on the back of a Hooter's Napkin, it's still a life plan.... right?

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See ya:D:D:D:D
BTW posted jump numbers for you 499, posts 1400ish:P

HAHA... ok. Now here's YOUR stats;)

Jumps: 600
Posts: 4536

I'm well aware of my stats, that's why posted his, to point out a little irony, but thanks for your input hook:P
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
My Life ROCKS!
How's yours doing?

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man some people are just looking for a reason to bitch.

I got pushed out of the door on my AFF grad jump b/c my instructor knew i would take it as a joke and that i could handle it.

All the people on that jump were experienced, and noones life was put in danger. You were possibly saving one of them from an out landing that is way worse than getting pushed out the door.
I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet - chicagoskydiver
My God has a bigger dick than your god -George Carlin

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Perhaps some input from someone who was there might help. I was one of the 4 way hangong off the 207. We did a cursory dirt dive and had determined who was going to give the count- at least we thought. We hung out there just looking at one another- nodding, ready for the count. The "push" wasn't a push at all- at that point we had to do something as hanging outside the 207 for much longer was impossible. The knudge Chris provided was just qued us to leave. We actually had a fun skydive and laughed our asses off for several weeks after about it.

Facts as stated are accurate- experienced skydivers- no issue. Chris wouldn't endager anyone in an exit or in the air......... Now the farts on the ride to altitude are a different story. Must be he is using his "out of town manners" with all of you.

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Unfucking believable the total disregard for safety and lack of regard for your fellow skydivers lives leaves me appalled at your actions and hope that action is taken against you and the other holligans that created this video, not only did you put people in danger you made a video to show how funny you thought it was!
Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes clean to the bone!

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Chris - sweetie - i know the kind of person and the kind of skydiver you are. i think the world of you - as a skydiver at least ;) ha!

In all seriousness, shit that is in the public eye will get positive and negative results no matter what. People are going to judge you and that is that. Really sad - but people do enjoy judging others (on a personal level) w/o any grounds (and / or the facts) to do so. Such is life, and it sucks. Those who know you, won't judge you for things like this and will understand you and your silly antics. You can't waste your time on the others. Can't please everyone.

Easier said than done - but don't let it get to you. :)

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for the guys who blame ccowden

take a look at this post... his the one who took 2 newbies to COACH for FREE
i dont know him in person BUT in a world where ANYTHING cost and where SKYGODS dont give a shit on a newbie he come with this ideea
i think it say a lot about him (as a person and as a skydiver)

"jump, have fun, pull"

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for the guys who blame ccowden

take a look at this post... his the one who took 2 newbies to COACH for FREE
i dont know him in person BUT in a world where ANYTHING cost and where SKYGODS dont give a shit on a newbie he come with this ideea
i think it say a lot about him (as a person and as a skydiver)

nah! that was just public relations - he's an ass!!!!!!!!! :P
Pete Draper,

Just because my life plan is written on the back of a Hooter's Napkin, it's still a life plan.... right?

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I am getting to this one kind of late, but f*** those people. I have met you on several occasions and you are an excellent person and by no means dangerous. You were more than generous enough to take the time to coach me, which is definitely the sign of a dangerous self-absorbed skydiver. Only you and the people there know what happened. When I saw the video (a while back) it seemed like a funny incident, that was well within control.

In my opinion, there is a trend where particular people who have nothing to do with an incident like to analyze and draw conclusions about what might have happened whether anything happened or not. These are the same people who like to walk around the DZ crucifying and labeling people for things (bad landing, bad spotting, getting on top of a freefly jump...etc) instead of teaching them a better way.

I know this is a self policing sport and we need to keep it going, but this is ridiculous. This is skydiving and it is dangerous. There is no way we can make this into basket-weaving. These people should be doing something positive for the sport instead of trying to kill and label those who are doing good things for us.

So a big double FU to them and their overworked keyboards. Forget them Chris and continue to do what you are doing. ;)

Oh yeah...Rant Over.

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Everything was fine with both groups and we all had a good laugh about it.

If the people you "pushed" don't have an issue, then no one else has any business making it an issue.

I can't figure why everyone doesn't understand that.

If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb

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