
Funniest nick name at your dz

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We have "Dot" like in "dot your [eyes]. Seems like he gets dotted when he goes out! B|

We have "Hoop". He's got hoops in places that are very sensitive! :o

"Iceman", ask Kate about that one. ;)

"Divot" because of what he used to make in the landing area. :S

"Chewy" I don't know how he got this name. Any LA folks know?

"Fat Boy" 'cause he's a big guy. :)
Edited to add "Rabbitt". How could I forget him?

Come to Skyfest and meet all of them.

Blue skies,


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"Twiggy"- she landed in a tree... the only tree. Twice.

"One out of every four American's are suffering from some form of mental illness. Think of your three best friends. If they're okay, then it's you."

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We have a guy they nicknamed "Sgt. Major Impact." Military guy. His name WAS "Sgt. Sparky" after running into some power lines. After that, he had varied landing problems that normally ended up with him running into some unmoving target. Thus his new name

Are we called "DAWGs" because we stick our noses up people's butts? (RIP Buzz)
Yep, you're a postwhore-billyvance

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my club loves nicknames, everyone has one but most of them are sort of lame, but my favorite one is Groundhog, who one time in freefall saw his shadow below him on a cloud layer, and thought it was another person so he kept trying to track away from it but it kept following him.

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We have:

Ped (as in pedophile because he was talkin' up a babe that turned out the be 14)

Treebug (yep...you guessed it...tree landing on AFF)

Bigbug and Ladybug (Treebug's folks.)

CrazyRick (skydiver, scubadiver, bike racer, aeorbatics pilot, BossHoss owner...and more.)

The "Doke" (related to biffin' a landing and used as any part of speech)

Tail-Wag (our pilot)

You have to earn your nickname at our DZ.
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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We have:

Ped (as in pedophile because he was talkin' up a babe that turned out the be 14)


At dinner at a mexican restaurant during the Holiday Boogie, a certain DZ.commer with a smiley face avatar very non-subtly pointed at a girl at a nearby booth and said quite loudly:

"Hey grue! Do you think I'd go to jail if I played with her?"
"Shit man, I dunno... that one's gonna vary from state to state":D

That girl went BRIGHT red, so there's no question as to if she heard us or not :D
cavete terrae.

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Crazy Mike,
Beast Hands (female),
Kiddy Fiddler (surname = Fiddler),
My Dad Says (due to repeated anecdotes beginning with the same),
The Twins (one young lady),
Michelin Mike / Mitch (because on his first jump he landed in the middle of a vast tyre dump situated at one end of his home DZ... the only student ever to have done so).

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