You don’t have to woooray- that it’s wrooong--- if the spirit moooves ya- let me groove ya--- gooooood- letcha love come--- DOOOOWN- OOOOOOOH----- GET IT OOOON- COME OOON baaaybe.
xenaswampjumper SPANKS THIS ASS!!! I WISH karenmeal spanked this ass too.....
xenaswampjumper SPANKS THIS ASS!!! I WISH karenmeal spanked this ass too.....
QuoteAre you stalking me?
No not at all… I’m just serenading you in an attempt to get you to drop your guard, and give in to your sexual tension with Hawkins and Ron. High tension levels = GREAT sex.

xenaswampjumper SPANKS THIS ASS!!! I WISH karenmeal spanked this ass too.....
Noooo...Not weed eating and poop scooping! Pleeeeaaaaase. So sorry for my insolence your excellency. Please accept my humble grovellings for my lowliness. I am unworthy of the presence of your omnipotent greatness. While the Pain Pit with Carrie does sound rather exciting, before sending me off to be left at her tender mercies please consider me for the role of personal assistant to "Rebecca the Wise and Allmighty". I am the ideal sidekick. I am a pathetic suck-up who will always be sure to brown-nose at the right times, stroke your ego constantly, and I would never do anything so disrespectfull of your emminence as having any of my own thoughts or ideas. I would simply emulate your every sentiment with psycophantic zeal. In addition to being responsible for personall secretarial work I would also fill the role as quasi-butler/servant, to be on hand to serve your every need at your command your lordship.
With Adoration, Admiration, Fear, and Awe,
Richards the Unworthy
OK, this part:
"In addition to being responsible for personall secretarial work I would also fill the role as quasi-butler/servant, to be on hand to serve your every need at your command your lordship,"
is fine. You can be my
bitchbutler. But this:"I am a pathetic suck-up who will always be sure to brown-nose at the right times, stroke your ego constantly, and I would never do anything so disrespectfull of your emminence as having any of my own thoughts or ideas. I would simply emulate your every sentiment with psycophantic zeal,"
we gotta work on... you won't last ten minutes like that.
I am a kind and good leader with a tendency towards sarcasm and a slightly sadistic streak. I encourage you to serve me to the best of your ability, while maintaining your individuality. Sycophants will be ruthlessly mocked.
you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?