
Would you buy a XXX movie that had both sex and skydiving in it as well as a funny story?

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Thank you to everyone who has taken part in the poll so far. The answers are as I expected. I think that we will focus our marketing efforts on a website that will sell the movie as well as a tour to different boogies and DZs to sell the movie in person.

To everyone who wrote with interest in participating, I will be getting back to you in the next few days. The movie will be shooting this summer when the days are long and it is warm enough to jump naked...exact dates will be determined soon.

Kepp the poll answers and PMs coming! ;)

"People often say that this or that person has not yet found himself. But, the self is not something that one finds. It is something that one creates"- Thomas Szasz

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Also, we are casting for both male and female skydivers / tandem instructors who would like to be in the movie in a sex scene. You must get to southern california on your own, but we will pay for all jumps, your required STD testing, and pay you a normal scene rate for your participation.

Do you require anyone who is pathetic, has thinning hair with a beer belly, a hairy back, couldn't please the most desperate woman, a small wee-wee and who fires of after ten seconds?

Please try to control your excitement. There is only so much of me to go around.


This Canuck is looking to make an appearance and make my country proud but I too suffer from the size and speed mentioned above but not the rest :S hahaha
BUT mine comes complete with barbells to distract from the size.
Cheers, EH;)

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The movie will be shooting this summer when the days are long and it is warm enough to jump naked...exact dates will be determined soon.

See, now this is why you should have a second unit shooting in Florida. Perfect weather now, and I'm sure beach jumps could be arranged at a particular DZ down here...

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That is an interesting comment. I thought that adult entertainment "cashed in" as you call it on the basic human sex urge.

Have you ever watched an adult film? Was it gonzo style (all sex) or did it have a plot and a story? If the latter is the case, did it hold your attention (i.e. did you watch it from start to finish or did you just "finish" and then turn the movie off?)

To be perfectly honest with you, of the approximately 350 adult movies I have starred in, I can probably name 20 that I really felt kept the viewers attention and provided some sort of entertainment outside of the sex.

I cannot think of a single person (skydiver or not) who has watched my husband's skydiving footage or mini documentaries that has not enjoyed the experience. Now, if we can take that entertainment value and add the one thing to it that everyone does and enjoys, I don't see how that is a bad thing.

Sure, we hope to make enough money off of the first movie to be able to make a second one. Yes, we hope that people enjoy the movies enough to want to keep buying them and maybe even participate in future ones. Yes, we want to combine two of the things that we love to do and make sure that not only the most perverted skydiver could enjoy it, but also your average married couple from middle America. To me, watching skydiving videos is like masturbation for the mind. Why not combine that with the real thing?

And, if our movie gets a few more people in this country interested in jumping out of a perfectly good airplane, I will feel that I have made a contribution to the sport and community that has welcomed me with open arms. Seems to me like that would put money back into the sport...in other words more skydivng dollars.
"People often say that this or that person has not yet found himself. But, the self is not something that one finds. It is something that one creates"- Thomas Szasz

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Theres tons of these videos around, skydiving and sex wouldnt be a new combination. As far as story line goes, theres a time for a story... but when its porn theres no need, the stories are lame, boring and funny... nothing like seeing a great sex scene on tv and getting a vibe then the lame acting that follows has ya laughing so hard ya lose the mood. I think it wouldnt bring anyone to this sport, what brings people to this sport are things like Jump for the Cause, Demos and people talking about our passion.... just my personal opinion but after a year in this sport and what I have seen , the sexual aspect of it is the disgrace and is what helps lose some skychicks...Skydiving porn is nothing new, its just another girl and guy doing what is always done at the dz, except now people make money off of it.
Sudsy Fist: i don't think i'd ever say this
Sudsy Fist: but you're looking damn sudsydoable in this

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I will feel that I have made a contribution to the sport and community that has welcomed me with open arms. Seems to me like that would put money back into the sport...in other words more skydivng dollars.

You make 99%, they get 1%, but yet you’re giving back?

Have you considered a career in politics?

Those who do, can't explain. Those who don't, can't understand.

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