
Where do I get Absinthe?

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It is not allowed to sell Absinthe within the US of A.
I haven't heard of anyone having trouble ordering it from a foreign country though.
Pick wisely...

"For once you have tasted Absinthe you will walk the earth with your eyes turned towards the gutter, for there you have been and there you will long to return."

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what he said. it's not legal to sell it. nothing about buying.

i got mine a couple of times from http://www.absintheonline.com/acatalog/Jade.html

(the reason it's legal to buy and not sell is because it falls under FDA regulations, not DEA or ATF.)
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Look to your neighborhood liquor supplier, not the local corner store. Brown Derby comes to mind. I have a bottle of Absenthe, made with petite wormwood. You get the taste pretty much and well trashed from drinking it, but no hallucinations.

I pay close to 60 a bottle. Come to think of it, I need to go and get another one. The nearest place I can find it is about 30 min away.
Twin Otter N203-Echo,29 July 2006
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I just brought back a bottle I purchased in Amsterdam. It is made with wormwood and other herbs such as anise, per the bottle lable. I don't know if I brought it to America legally, seeing as how customs missed seeing it when they went through my bags.

As others have said, you can buy it online, but where is the fun in that?
Abbie drove me to Idaho and all I got was this lousy sigline

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Liquors De France is usually a bit better than Fee Vert. All their absinthe is pretty good, and they guarantee delivery.

I completely agree. We've gotten amazing bottles from Liqueurs De France.

Do NOT buy any bright green absinthe or any czech impostors. Nothing sold over the counter in Canada is real and it tastes like mouthwash.

Buy the real thing or just stick with Pernod.

First Class Citizen Twice Over

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I like Kubler myself, but they're all good.

I really like Kubler myself. For the past few years, and after a 90 year ban, French and Swiss companies have been allowed to manufacture and sell absinthe again, and it has greatly improved the quality of the liqueurs available.
Heck, there is now an absinthe bar in Paris. Life is gooooooood!B|

"For once you have tasted Absinthe you will walk the earth with your eyes turned towards the gutter, for there you have been and there you will long to return."

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my friend brought back several bottles from the Czech republic, but my question is do they still make any "Real" Absinthe still... "cut your ear off absinthe..."

"Real" Absinthe never caused stuff like that. http://www.absinthe.se/default.asp?load=http://www.absinthe.se/facts/index.html

Aside from maybe the stuff the lower class got to drink which contained all sorts of nasty chemicals used to cheaply create the green coloring.

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