
What do i do now???

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Lets start off with saying skydiving is something i have wanted to do since i found out it existed when i was about 5. Well finally i'm at a point in my life when i'm able to get the ball rolling(skydiving kicks ass). So 1 year ago(3 days ago) I decide to go do a tandem jump and a first jump course at a small dz that was close enough for me to drive to every weekend. Well i was there every single time they said they were going to jump(not often). I managed to work my way up to 22 jumps at whitch point i was consittered worthy of jumping with others. Now my problem is that the dz closed down and now i'm sitting on a bench with nothing to show for my $$$ and dedication to the sport. I recently saw canopies flying at a small airport near my job and went over after work to see what was up. I was told this was going to be a new dz ran by another person but with the same instructors. After showing up at this dz and being weathered out 2 or 3 times we finally had beautiful weather last week. I get ready to go jump and hopefully get the last three jumps i need for my A completed. I then recieved a call informing me that the pilot decided to go to another dz to fly jumpers. This pissing me off i call another small dz only to find out they don't jump often in winter and the instructors from my last dz didn't fill out my a licence app and my log book is not very detailed on all the menuvers i did. The dzo that i called offered to take me to a bigger dz where they jump all the time but not if my app cards are not filled out. Am i screwed? I have never had so much patience for anything in my life but i'm sorry to say i think i have been F'd out of enough money and my patience is wearing thin.. What can i do? I really like the instructor and coach that i learned from and wouldn't want anything to be held against them but i really feel like someone put sand in the KY and pushed me over a barrel...
EARTH! Short bus of the universe,
since the year T+10.3 billion!


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crikey I was just about to post my reply but after re-reading your post I'm not exactly sure what it is you're saying (granted I'm getting drunk).p
Anyway, if I think I'm right, you did some jumps and didn't get them signed off properly for what you did? In that case I would just fill out what I did in the spaces provided and sign them, if they're not already signed - Provided I had actually done what I was saying, otherwise it's cheating yourself -and shows a lack of integrity (just my standards).

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Nahh, i'm not going to lie about what i have and have not done. The main problem is the progression cards are not signed off by an instructor. The dzo told me if i had those filled out i could continue from there. Something tells me i'm going to have to spend a load more money repieting everything with a new instructor to prove i know the stuff asked on the cards.
EARTH! Short bus of the universe,
since the year T+10.3 billion!


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Where do you live? If you know where your old instructors are then go to them and get your log book filled out correctly! The place where your instuctors went is sure to get another pilot. But if you get your old instructors to fill out your log book then you can go elsewhere.
Nothing opens like a Deere!

You ignorant fool! Checks are for workers!

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Can't you just track down the instructor, explain the situation, and have him sign off on what you did? If it's that small of a dz, I'm sure he would remember you.

The best way to avoid this happening again is to get the instructor/coach to sign off on each license requirement on the day that you complete the task.
Serious relationships turn into work after a few weeks and I already got a fucking job :)
H.A.F. = Hard As Fuck ... Goddamn Amateurs

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Nahh, i'm not going to lie about what i have and have not done. The main problem is the progression cards are not signed off by an instructor. The dzo told me if i had those filled out i could continue from there. Something tells me i'm going to have to spend a load more money repieting everything with a new instructor to prove i know the stuff asked on the cards.

In those circumstances I would sign it off. If you've done it, you've done it -
A point to note - this is a very touchy area as only you know what has been achieved and what hasn't - and your level of experience.
I don't want to condone something that I shouldn't - which is the exact reason I talk about integrity.

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Throughout my student training, those that I had signing off my card were not necessarily on the load that I completed something. Granted, the DZ folks knew my face as I had been there quite a bit, so finding someone who was authed to sign off wasnt that difficult and they just took my word for it.(in my VERY short career as a skydiver, I have found this to be the norm, seems to be "on your honor" type of system) I didn't pencil whip my app as it COULD pose a saftey issue with me and then those that I would be jumping with (NOT a risk that I was willing to take, and with your post I can see that you aren't willing to take that risk either/good for you) However, I would think that you might be able to strike up a relationship with either a DZ or authed person who could sign off on your previous jumps based on your word and maybe some conversation about your experience(s)/jumps. Good luck... blue skies

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the instructors from my last dz didn't fill out my a licence app and my log book is not very detailed on all the menuvers i did. The dzo that i called offered to take me to a bigger dz where they jump all the time but not if my app cards are not filled out. ...

This is about instructors crapping out on their duties. Being an instructor is more than making a jump with a student and unfortunately, there are individuals out there that call themselves instructors, have a rating but do not do their jobs for whatever reason and the ones who suffer are the newcomers to the sport. It is a pain in the ass when I get a student nearly finished with student training jumps and their A License Proficiency card is not up to date, their logs books are not filled out properly and they don’t know how to give a gear check or what a braked approach is! WTF? Like I said, it is my belief that being an instructor is more than just making a jump with a student.

Sorry to hear about your dilemma.
Tracking down the mediocre instructor who trained you and getting that person to do what they were supposed to do in the first place would be a good idea if they are within traveling distance. The quickest and easiest solution is to get your card updated by making a couple jumps and completing multiple requirements per jump. Properly planned and some ground time should get you up to speed pretty quick…

Something I emphasize to students during the FJC is that they need to take initiative and make certain their instructor fills out their A License Proficiency card and logbook before they leave the DZ.
Mykel AFF-I10
Skydiving Priorities: 1) Open Canopy. 2) Land Safely. 3) Don’t hurt anyone. 4) Repeat…

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I did make sure my log book was signed. I just didn't know about the proficiency cards even though i had purchased a copy of the sim the same week i started training. My log book is filled out but not detailed enough to know what jumps i did what menuver on. Does it matter what jump numbers and dates are on the proficiency card? I would think all that matters is that i know the menuvers and have learned the the skills required for the A license.
Anyway i have been able to make some headway. My instructor and coach have agreed to go to the dz with me and get all this right. Now it's still a waiting game until the dz decides they actually want to do something crazy like jump out of airplanes.. Then i hope this can be taken care of..
EARTH! Short bus of the universe,
since the year T+10.3 billion!


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I have never had so much patience for anything in my life but i'm sorry to say i think i have been F'd out of enough money and my patience is wearing thin.. What can i do? I really like the instructor and coach that i learned from and wouldn't want anything to be held against them but i really feel like someone put sand in the KY and pushed me over a barrel...

I don't have that much more experience than you, but because I'm in the midwest, it took a long damn time to earn my license, much longer than the one year you've been at it.

What you can do is relax, for God's sake. The sky is always going to be there. Looking at what you've accomplished so far as you being fucked out of money (You did get to jump, didn't you??) is kind of pessimistic - there are plenty of us who weren't necessarily told that we are responsible for getting our A cards and logbooks filled-out. Now you know. And you have plenty of time to get your card and logbook in order.

I know how frustrated you feel right now, believe me - I had 2 1/2 summers of that. You WILL get there - like others have said, track down your instructors and get them to fill out what they should.

Please know that I'm not trying to be harsh with you - your situation kind-of metaphors the real idea behind skydiving: It's up to you.

Keep after it, and don't give up!!

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Yes i did get to jump. In my statement about getting screwed out of money i was thinking i may have to go to another dz and start from square 1. So your saying you would be fine repieting all your training jumps? After all you would be getting to jump right? I have been able to find my instructor and arrange a time and place to complete my training so it's not a problem anymore.
EARTH! Short bus of the universe,
since the year T+10.3 billion!


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That's not what I said - and no, I wouldn't be fine with repeating all of my student jumps, and neither should you. I don't know of any DZ in this country that would make you start over from square one - that's why we have the ISP.

I wasn't trying to give you shit, and if you recall, I did not flame on you. I'm sorry if you took it that way.(You did, however, sound a bit defeated in your original post.)

At least I didn't say, "Suck it up, cupcake." - which is the standard response from some folks around here.

I KNOW YOUR FRUSTRATION!!! It took almost 3 years for me to get my license because of weather, finances, an injury, and fear.

Glad to hear you found your instructor. Good luck with the rest of your training.

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Ok then, i'm sorry if i didn't properly understand your post. I understand 100% when weather conditions or money ect. are a factor. What is wearing on my patience is the random nature of the DZs here. However i'll take the blame on that one as i should have went to a larger more established DZ to start with. Witch is what i'm going to do in the event that the plan my instructor and i worked out falls through.
EARTH! Short bus of the universe,
since the year T+10.3 billion!


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I was a student at 5 different dropzones. I never had to start from square 1 again. At most places they just backed me up a jump or did a sort of check out dive to make sure I had been properly trained in my other skill sets.

It was never a big deal. At every DZ I went to the instructors were willing to work with me. They just wanted to make sure I was safe.

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I don't mind being backed up a few. That is to be expected as you said for safety reasons. I was just concerned about having to start over after being left in the dark for three months. I'm not worried about it anymore. I'll do what i have to do to keep going. For some reason i'm hooked on this stuff LOL.
EARTH! Short bus of the universe,
since the year T+10.3 billion!


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Yes it sucks when the instructors don't seem to care about properly logging your jumps so that you can get your license. Some instructors are just more organized than others.
If you can't get your old instructors to sort everything out, you could probably get it all taken care of in a few jumps.
Go to a well organized DZ and explain the situation. If you have the skills, you should be able to complete several "check-offs" on each jump. It shouldn't take that many jumps to get all the requirements demonstrated.
You absolutely should not have to start over.
"There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy

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you could probably get it all taken care of in a few jumps.
Go to a well organized DZ and explain the situation. If you have the skills, you should be able to complete several "check-offs" on each jump. It shouldn't take that many jumps to get all the requirements demonstrated.
You absolutely should not have to start over.

Agreed, if you dont have anything filled out on your skills side, you will need at most 5 jumps to get your canopy requirements (probably less) and only 2 of them coached to get everything else. All the other requirements do not involve cost (or at least shouldn't).

Also do a jump out of a porter if you can, those can satisfy a lot of requirements ;)
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- I'm Irish. We let people know how we feel. Now fuck off.

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