
WIGS 2 on March 4th at Skydive Elsinore ~ BIGGER, BETTER & NO RAIN!

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Thank you to everyone, who was able to join us at Skydive Elsinore on Saturday in support of the Locks of Love foundation. Apologies to all of the out-of-towners for being such good sports over the weekend, since it RAINED on Saturday. Yet, the event was still quite a success and filled with so much support.

Together in one day with on-the-spot donations, we raised $1077.30 and had several ladies take the plunge and donate their lovely locks! This was definitely still a successful turn-out for this event, considering it was a bad-weather day at the DZ. We even managed to move the party to the Sports Stop, and it was a crazy, fun night, indeed!

We were disappointed with the weather, so we decided to host Wigs 2 on March 4th, 2006. This will be a bigger & better WIG/HAT/BOA party, as well as a continuation fundraiser for the Locks of Love.  As a way to thank all of my fellow skydivers for their generosity and support, the beer keg is on ME.  We will also have firedancing, DJ spinning and much, much more!  This is the RAGER on the DZ, that we have been waiting for...

Due to the success of Tanya's cookies, some of us ladies will be hosting a bake sale throughout the day, and Alaura has decided to cook a home-made fundraiser dinner at night.  I have also begun working on a raffle to be done later in the day. All of the proceeds from the bake sale, raffle and dinner will be sent to the Locks of Love, along with the money placed in the donations box, which will be kept in a safe place on the DZ.  You can also donate directly via myself.

The daytime will also feature much Excel Camp skydiving action, freefly LOing. The evening will begin with a brief Saturday Night Seminar after sunset, pizza or hosted dinner by Alaura and beer around the fire. Pat Newman will be displaying his Saturday Night Videos. I will provide the beer keg, as promised, and Moo will be DJing us while we groove on the dance floor until late!

If you have any more fundraising ideas or help or have any prizes that you'd like to donate to the fundraiser, please contact me.  Thank you, and here is the link for the event on Myspace:

Wigs 2 Event RSVP!

By the way, this coincides with the Escape to Elsinore group coming down from Washington. If any of you guys will be out here, this is going to be the big DZ party for all of us. Looking forward to seeing you all there, and don't forget your WIGS!!! :D

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By the way, this coincides with the Escape to Elsinore group coming down from Washington.

This really should be in the thread title... :)
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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More girls who cut their hair for the Locks of Love...

(I don't have a new picture for Marie.)

The last picture is of our beautiful Wigs 1- "Dream Team".

*Crystal was the hairstylist last time, and she rocked! (Although we may only be able to have monetary fundraising this time, if she cannot make it down on such short notice.)

*Jonathon heads the Flight 1-Canopy course, and he told me that he'd be there for Wigs 2.

*Melanie Curtis is the head coach for our Excel Camp at Skydive Elsinore, and boy, can she work a GREEN WIG! :ph34r:

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Beth, you are our poster girl for this event! It's people like you and Karen, who have such a big heart and giving spirit (and traveled all the way to us to donate your hair), that made the last event such a success. Plus, we had a damned good time. We love ya, girl. Until next time!

(Btw, remind me that I still have your prize! PM me your address. :)

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I really WON'T miss this one. . .In fact, I am thinking of going out this sunday for my recurrency so I can jump like a mad woman that weekend. . .lol!
Take risks not to escape life… but to prevent life from escaping. ~ A bumper sticker at the DZ
FGF #6

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Oh, Good. Looks like I have a second chance to partaaay. I couldn't come last time because circumstance at work.

"The trouble with quotes on the internet is that you can never know if they are genuine" - Abraham Lincoln

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Only because you were drunk. :ph34r:

Moi? :) Oh yeah, I do seem to remember some Patron. I blame Hammo. :P


Gonna do tunnel again?! >:(

Of course! I haven't done any since May. Hopefully tunnel won't be the *only* flying I get to do this time.

Last year seems like soooo long ago. I wasn't even licensed back then and I'd never been to another DZ. Now, I've been all over the country. Still, it's like coming home in a way.

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So far, the raffle prizes for the Wigs 2 fundraiser raffle are the following:

* 30% off coupon for Jump Shack Rig
* 30% off coupon for Firebolt canopy
* Similar % off coupon for Relative Workshop
* 5 flights or 15 minutes of tunnel time at Flyaway
* (2nd coupon) 5 flights or 15 minutes off of tunnel time at Flyaway
* Carbone Zone coupon for closing-pin necklace
* Carbone Zone coupon for Para-Pet
* Crosswind video
* Free body piercing or pierce jewelry worth $25 from MOO
* 2K Composites coupon
* New Log book
* PD coupons and much, much more coming soon...

* I am waiting to hear back from the LARGE manufacturing companies about specifics, but they will be donating coupons/putting together packages on Monday. Stay tuned!


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Raffle prize list:
* FREE 10 min skydiver's block certificate at Skyventure Colorado
* 1 FREE FF1 (basic freefly helmet, winner pays shipping) from 2K Composites -Approx. cash value = $200.00 (gift certificate)
* 30% off coupon for Jump Shack Rig
* 30% off coupon for Firebolt canopy
* Similar % off coupon for Relative Workshop
* FREE 5 flights or 15 minutes of tunnel time at Flyaway (coupon 1)
* FREE 5 flights or 15 minutes off of tunnel time at Flyaway (coupon 2)
* FREE Carbone Zone closing-pin necklace (gift certificate)
* FREE Carbone Zone Para-Pet (gift certificate)
* Crosswind video
* New Skylog Log book (red, hardback)
* FREE body piercing or pierce jewelry worth $25 from MOO (coupon)
* FREE Beads by Bethany closing pin necklace (coupon 1)
* FREE Beads by Bethany closing pin necklace (coupon 2)
* FREE Skydive Radio T-shirt (1st)
* FREE Skydive Radio T-shirt (2nd)
* Much more coming on Monday...

If anyone has anything that they would like to donate, PLEASE PM me, asap. Thank you! :)
* I am also looking for volunteers to help with the donation money collection, raffle ticket selling, bake sale (by bringing baked goods or helping to sell them), etc. throughout the day at the Locks of Love event on March 4th at Skydive Elsinore. We can do this in short shifts, throughout the day, if you would like to skydive. Contact me, if you can help. Thanks!

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Hey Karen~
I am selling them for $5 each or 5 for $20, and you don't need to be present to win. If you send a check/M.O. or cashier's check (make it out to Locks of Love), I'll e-mail you raffle ticket numbers (and send them in the mail, if you'd like.) It would be faster to e-mail the ticket numbers, though. :)
Also, check out the new prizes, latest one added by Skyventure Colorado. I hope that I can win that one, myself! Don't worry, I will not be drawing the raffle tickets, and they will be drawn in front of everyone. I'm so excited with this raffle...:)
Edited: I can also accept Paypal. PM for details.

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This weekend is ON in a major way! YES!! Can't wait-- will definitely be rocking Excel and the green wig one more time. If anyone has any questions regarding Excel, tunnel, coaching, lodging, directions, WHATEVER, just drop me an email at mel@skydiveelsinore.com! :$ SWEET, see you there!!! ;)


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First, you guys are awesome. Thank you for this.
This is close to my heart for many personal reasons.
How awesome you ladies were to do this and are to do it.

I have a small suggestion though, have you looked into doing something for Wigs for Kids as an alternative?
I just know that they charge less or even nothing for the wigs that the kids get and Locks of Love still charges a bit for the wigs they give to cancer patients.

Thanks everyone. :)

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First, you guys are awesome. Thank you for this.
This is close to my heart for many personal reasons.
How awesome you ladies were to do this and are to do it.

Thank you, girl! It's been a lot of hard work, but it's quite fulfilling!

No, I haven't looked into Wigs for Kids vs. Locks of Love. This fundraiser is for Locks of Love, but please PM me more about Wigs for Kids. Thanks! :)

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Hey all, this weekend is shaping up to be HUGE! Obviously the jumping, tunnel, videos, partaaay...... this weekend's Saturday Night Seminar will be on the freefly side, led by Chris Fiala of Elsinore Eclipse! Come on out and take advantage-- get some tips on getting vertical! And check out the new and improved Elsinore Eclipse website at http://www.elsinoreeclipse.net! B|


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Latest prizes, include coupon from Alti-2, Infinity coupon and Skydive Radio tees:

* FREE 10 min skydiver's block certificate at Skyventure Colorado
* 1 FREE FF1 (basic freefly helmet, winner pays shipping) from 2K Composites -Approx. cash value = $200.00 (gift certificate)
* 30% off coupon for Jump Shack Rig
* 30% off coupon for Firebolt canopy
* Similar % off coupon for Relative Workshop
* FREE 5 flights or 15 minutes of tunnel time at Flyaway (coupon 1)
* FREE 5 flights or 15 minutes off of tunnel time at Flyaway (coupon 2)
* FREE Carbone Zone closing-pin necklace (gift certificate)
* FREE Carbone Zone Para-Pet (gift certificate)
* Crosswind video
* New Skylog Log book (red, hardback)
* FREE body piercing or pierce jewelry worth $25 from MOO (coupon)
* FREE Beads by Bethany closing pin necklace (coupon 1)
* FREE Beads by Bethany closing pin necklace (coupon 2)
* FREE Skydive Radio T-shirt (1st)
* FREE Skydive Radio T-shirt (2nd)
* 25% off base price & options of Infinity Rig (coupon)
* 25% off a new Neptune from Alti-2
* FREE Performance Design t-shirts & pull-up cords
* FREE Performance Design DVD
* FREE Air Bear by Kris aka Nightingale

During the day, I will be selling glow sticks (I have about 100) for the party for $1 each (Money for Locks of Love, of course) and a few party boas for $5 each (for Locks of Love), as well as other goodies. The bake sale money will also go directly to the Locks of Love.

Edited to include more prizes...:)

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