
Shayna Richardson SPAM and my response

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I received the email below and my response. The response is on top, the original email on the bottom. I have removed the phone numbers and her email address.
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Shayna -
It is a very unfortunate incident that you were involved it. From the comments that you have made on TV and having watched video of the incident, I unfortunately will have to turn down your request (or attempt) at obtaining free gear.
The things that you have said in the media have damaged the sport more than you can imagine. Your comments alone generated several dozen inquiries to GroundRush.com for comment. I did not make any comment as I did not know the nature of the incident.
To put it bluntly, you should not jump again and any organization that donates money or equipment to your cause will, unfortunately, be opening themselves to a liability.
You've got your child on the way. You got lucky - you were ultimately able to walk away from this incident. Do yourself a favor and stay on the ground. Do the sport a favor and stay out of the eye of the media. You don't do the sport a favor and your story/knowledge of the sport isn't what it should be to put a positive spin.




The Internet's Foundation
of Skydiving Information

> Dear Michael,
> My name is Shayna Richardson. You may have heard of me, and/or my story
> from recent TV stations, magazines, and newspapers. I was involved in a
> near fetal skydiving accident on October 9th, 2005. I had a spinning
> main that lead me to a spinning reserve. I hit the ground at about 50
> MPH face first into the pavement. The accident shattered every bone in
> my face, knocked out the front 5 teeth in my mouth, fractured my pelvis
> in 3 places, and fractured my right leg below the knee. When I was in
> the emergency room I was also told that I was 2 weeks pregnant! (I am
> now 23 weeks along, and my baby appears to be perfect...he is due June
> 22, 2006). Once the baby is born I plan to jump again just as soon as
> time permits. However, the accident didn't only break much of my body,
> but all of my gear as well. When the time comes for me to jump every tv
> station, magazine, and newspaper that I have talked to already will be
> there ready to hear from me again. If you, and your company would !
> be
> interested in assiting me in obtaining the gear I need to perform my
> future jumps I would be more then happy to support your company during
> any/all future interviews I do. If this is something that we can work out
> together please let me know as soon as possible. I am very eager to get
> in the air again, but I am now simply looking for help to make it happen!
> I hope to hear from you soon!
> Thanks,
> Shayna Richardson
> address removed
> address removed
> 417-xxx-xxxx
> 417-xxx-xxxx
> 417-xxx-xxxx
> xxxxxxxxx@yahoo.com

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> Dear Michael,
> My name is Shayna Richardson. You may have heard of me, and/or my story
> from recent TV stations, magazines, and newspapers. I was involved in a
> near fetal skydiving accident on October 9th, 2005.

Come on now, there is some humor (albeit a bit dark) in that misspelling! :D

(drink Mountain Dew)

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Ya know, I never even caught that...now I'm laughing my ass off...

Speaking of ass. Peanut just jumped on my lap and her ass smells...i think she just got done visiting the litterbox.


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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Wasn't this an AFF jump? Had she purchased gear for her AFF?



I think that was part of all of the drama.. her baby daddy is an instructor and he found her some non-student gear that she was good enough for. Or something like that. Home dz wouldnt let her jump it so they went to another dz where she had her "fetal accident".

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I really wonder how she is planning on making friends in the skydiving community. We all know who she is and what she's done.

As far as I'm concerned, she is not a skydiver.
--- and give them wings so they may fly free forever

DiverDriver in Training

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Thanks for giving me this opportunity to point out that you are a dumbass; I have SO missed doing that.

And I miss your tongue on my nuts...

I'm not conceited...I'm just realistic about my awesomeness...

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Obviously.. she doesn't care about making friends. She cares about making money. And if Shayna is reading this and telling herself that the rest of us would be doing the same, no, we wouldn't. Those of us who have been injured in this sport haven't done what she is doing. And those of us who will be injured sometime in the future won't do it either.

Anyhoo.. drama drama drama. I'm checking back in to the real world now.

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And I have missed your sexual harassment...

You know it's true... (the missing the sexual harassment part...not the tongue on my nuts...that was just a fantasy) :D

Remember when I wouldn't tell you why that day I had to take my chair outside and hose it down? :P
I'm not conceited...I'm just realistic about my awesomeness...

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I'm kinda torn on this whole subject though...

I mean, on the one hand, I don't know any jumpers that would intentionally display an accident to the general public or media. Period. I don't care what you say, it's gonna make the rest of us look like shit.

On the other hand, as far as needing help with the dental stuff, I couldn't imagine anyone wanting to watch a young woman go through the pain of life without her front teeth. I really think some people could be just a tiny bit more compassionate about the reality of that...

As far as a sponsorship solicitation goes...well, in a way, many of us do that. I'll be the first to admit that I apply to major companies for scholarships. I apply to smaller companies for scholarships, too. It's not THEIR job to put me through college, but if I can prove that I'm worth the helping hand, and they can write it off their taxes and are LOOKING for this type of write off, why would anyone else be upset about that?

The flip side of that is this is a recreational activity, and asking for financial/gear sponsorship to put this person back into a situation where she could again potentially be begging the world for money to heal her and be given the opportunity to slander our sport with such vigor after a second f*ck up...knowing full-well that she would definitely feed it right back to the national media and make our brethren in the sky look like fools for allowing her back...well, that's kind of horrifying, too.

The possibility of this sensation-hound making our sport look even more ludacris feels a lot like jumpers should be 'once bitten, twice shy'. [:/]

I dunno.
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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Obviously.. she doesn't care about making friends. She cares about making money. .

She and her boyfriend need money, and they are begging to get it.. They seem to avoid working like the rest of us!
She and Rick "planned" on having this child yet they did not have jobs to support this child.. They did go to a diffrent Dz to make this jump because the home DZ would not allow it and she had used gear that was out of her skill range.
It' is sad that her teeth are gone, but she has had them replaced for free by a dentist that only wants her to spout his name during TV shows.. now she wants to get gear so she can get back ont he shows I guess.
Last I knew and this was per Shayna, she would not get a job because it would take away her state benifits and Rick was still not working..
He is supposedly on dissability but I wonder how that works when the DZ's you have been working at are going to report your taxes this year.. could be more and more intresting for them yet!


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She and Rick "planned" on having this child.... Last I knew and this was per Shayna, she would not get a job because it would take away her state benifits


He is supposedly on dissability but I wonder how that works when the DZ's you have been working...

I see this all too often in the poorer parts of the County where I work (I work in the medical field, like you). Women don't have health insurance to cover their pregnancy, then 'can't' get off State medical help because if they did no outside health insurance will accept a pre-existing condition.

If they -did- plan to get pregnant without coverage (unless they planned on paying for it with cash) it makes my blood boil. This, and the raping of the disability system by someone who -can- work (he was an instructor who was still jumping, right?), is why this country's disability system is a wreck.

When the government gets his 1099 they can investigate...and if found that he was faking his disability he is eligible for jail...plus mandatory payment back to the state for all his disability benefits.

Poor planning on their part. For the child, she needs to stay on state benefits. For him, well, it will catch up with him in the end...if what you write is true.


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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Her instructor was kicked off a DZ for being unsafe. They went to another DZ and jumped, performing outside AFF guidelines. She had an inconvinence with her main that could have been easily corrected. She cut away a perfectly good main. Her reserve slider needed a little coaxing and her reserve would have been fine.

To top everything off, she was sleeping with her instructor. Bad juju, very bad juju.

I can give her credit for just being a student and not knowing any better, but soliciting gear/money for media favors? That is absolutely tasteless.

I think she and her baby's daddy need to figure a way to support this child before she tries to jump again. I know that gear is not cheap, but I got mine - along with thousands of other jumpers - without a handout.

It is a shame that this is our current poster child. Just what we need, some bad decision making from a couple people that should not be jumping.

WHat about all the good things skydivers have done - IE Jump for the Cause??? How come that did not get nearly a 10th of the attention that this got???
Twin Otter N203-Echo,29 July 2006
Cessna P206 N2537X, 19 April 2008
Blue Skies Forever

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