
Curling - great sport

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Over the past few years, my interest in the sport has been rising to near fascination. It's weird being a SoCal native and nobody seems to really grasp why I like it so much. I think it's because it defines what I thin makes great sport: a mixture of skill, finesse, strength with teamwork and a chess-master's mind for strategy and a healthy dose of math and physics. Maybe that's why so many Americans don't like it.

It's too bad I've got no local friends who know anything about it. It looks like a really fun game that I'd probably suck at.

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It's too bad I've got no local friends who know anything about it. It looks like a really fun game that I'd probably suck at.

It's a lot more difficult than it looks - you've got to have pretty good strength and balance and the one time I tried it, I flailed around quite a bit (there's a local curling club here that has open house nights where they'll teach you the basics).

The best part about curling? Curling clubs all have bars in their observation areas. I think you have to give respect to that!

Oh, and I agree. Men With Brooms is hilarious.
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Michelle Hoyle ("Shell666") has posted the best comments about Curling that I've yet seen...:D


"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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Imagine crown green bowling (NOT 10 pin) but with circular things that look like irons (ie the hot thing you use to flatten out shits) instead of weighted balls... oh yeah, and it's on ice... and you can slow or speed up the iron thingy by scrubbing the ice with a sweeping brush.

Yup... someone somewhere got very very bored one winter.

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... my interest in the sport has been rising to near fascination. It's weird being a SoCal native and nobody seems to

To paraphrase a local TV advertisement : "In South Africa snow she is not very beeeg", but in spite of our lack of snowy and icey sports I too am really enjoying the curling at the Games. It is a game of immense skill, it takes a lot of concentration and team work, it involves a lot of strategy (and shouting;)) and it is never dull.

I do suspect though that the Canadian female skip may have contributed to my new-found interest in the sport.:$

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so what next? bingo? Just how old are you people that you find curling to be such a great sport?

and you guys feel free to come to my room and play. Just have dust pans down on the floor when your "sweeping" the ice.....no....linoluem. ;)
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I sat down and watched 2 hours of the womens gold medal match yesterday. I don't know why but I just could'nt peel myself away from it.

It almost made me want to see if there are any curling clubs around here. Almost.. but not quite enough to look yet.:$
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my interest in the sport has been rising to near fascination

I'v been getting interested in Skeleton the last couple weeks. I'v even considered trying out just for the fun of it even though i'm not much of a sprinter.
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i love curling playing and watching.... its a game of planning, skill, strategy, and finesse.. but calling it a "sport" is laughable.. and no, golf is not a sport either...
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Congrats, even if they killed the game with the 6points end.

That was amazing... not too many of those happen in anything professional.

I agree about calling curling a sport to be laughable... along with ice dancing or whatever, and golf, etc etc... but it is a team activity that takes a lot of skill. If you think it looks easy, give it a try sometime. Guaranteed you will be hurting the next day (that ice is pretty hard when you eat shit and fall down)

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