
Update on my mom.

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Excellent news. Everything was benign and there is not anything that is pre-cancerous. This is a huge relief for my family who has sweated this one out for about 2 months.

Thanks so much for your thoughts, vibes, prayers, posts and pms. It is truly appreciated.:)


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Excellent news. Everything was benign and there is not anything that is pre-cancerous. This is a huge relief for my family who has sweated this one out for about 2 months.

Thanks so much for your thoughts, vibes, prayers, posts and pms. It is truly appreciated.:)

I was just about to PM you for an update.

Great news. I'm happy for you and your family.:)

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Excellent news. Everything was benign and there is not anything that is pre-cancerous.

And that's the best news possible. Hug her gently for me, and know that I continue to keep her, you, and your family in my thoughts and prayers. Love to you all!


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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Yyyyaaaayyyyy! The wait is the worse! I am so very glad she is fine Chris. I was worried that we hadn't heard anything and was ready to send you a pm. It really is the best news!


Sometimes we're just being Humans.....But we're always Human Beings.

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My mother-in-law went in to get the results of her testing Wednesday morning.

She got home today, after 3 days of intensive chemo. I believe they said "small cell cancer". Bone and liver. 2 months to live without treatment. Luckily, this may have worked. The bone portion is already to an undectable level, and the liver spots are shrinking. We know she's not out of the water yet, but they did upgrade her from a 60% chance of remission to 85%.

All this because for the last 2 weeks she's been having problems walking (weakness in the legs).

People. People. I don't care if you have insurance or not (she didn't), if something doesn't seem right, GO TO THE FUCKING DOCTOR! She wouldn't have, had we not insisted.
It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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What a relief;)

I can relate...my grandpa is going through chemo at 88 years old:o He is so open and funny about it and I have learned so much from him watching him fight this. He's amazing. And he LOVES that we skydive;) He's even been to the DZ in Deland several times to watch everyone.

Anywho...I'm so happy to hear the great news, Chris.;)

Edit: P.S. Didn't mean to thread-hyjack:)
Paint me in a corner, but my color comes back.

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Awww, thank you

I thought about deleting that, as the focus of the thread was your mom. But, wanted you to know I know what you were feeling before and am so happy everything will be OK

I had no problem with you and RevJim sharing what your families are facing. I hope this brings more prayers/vibes to your families.

While the focus of this thread was specifically about my mother and her ordeal, I hope it brings awareness about the millions of people who will not get that good news. I just read today about Sheryl Crow being diagnosed with breast cancer. She had a great statement; "I'm just one of 200,000 women who will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year."

My hope after going through this ordeal and sharing it with the dz.commers is that maybe the ladies here who have been neglecting regular mamograms will schedule one immediately.



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and pms

people were sending you and your mom PMS? Sheesh, w/ friends like that, who needs enemies, huh? I'm sure your mom wasn't all that pleased about that.

seriously though, sorry i've been away, but i've been praying for you, her and your mom all the same. i'm very relieved to hear all is well!

I miss Lee.
And JP.
And Chris. And...

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