
That feeling...

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What do you do when you get that feeling of restlessness, like you should be doing something different in your life, but don't know what it is?

Lately I have just wanted something to change. I have been in Gainesville for over four years now at a start up company. I am waiting for the big pay off....but the past couple years have really left me feeling empty, like I need to be doing something different.

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What do you do when you get that feeling of restlessness, like you should be doing something different in your life, but don't know what it is?

Lately I have just wanted something to change. I have been in Gainesville for over four years now at a start up company. I am waiting for the big pay off....but the past couple years have really left me feeling empty, like I need to be doing something different.

For me, the answer currently seems to be to make a couple of low ones so I can think straight.

The more reasonable answer for most people, though, is to get away from your normal environment for a while so you can see it from a more detached perspective. Get away from the people and places you know and just do something fun for a while--something you don't normally do.

It will clear your mind.


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I'm going to say travel too! I really don't like living in FL but am stuck here because of my kids. Whenever I get that feeling you described, I plan a trip. The time leading up to the trip is exciting because I'm online a lot looking at things to do and investigating the area I chose to go to. After the trip, I look at my pictures and it invigorates me and makes me remember the fun I had. Then, it's time to plan another. Believe it or not, it's also fun to do a trip that doesn't involve skydiving too!
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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well, your more than welcome to come to england in may..Its brandys 1st time there. We're also hitting spain along the way..

do you realize that when you critisize people you dont know over the internet, you become part of a growing society of twats? ARE YOU ONE OF THEM?

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Consider taking a leave of absence for 3 or so months. Most companies will let you do that with no big deal. Tho a start-up may mean small which may make this difficult for the company.

This way you may figure out whats bothering you while not tossing away what you've worked for over the last four years.

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The traveling/vacation thing is a great idea. I try to do it as often as I can. I went to the keys for a week in Jan, but all that made me do is want to quit my job and move down there!

The thing is, if I didn't have such an opportunity to make something of myself here, than I would have moved on a long time ago. If I try to move on now, than the four years will just have been a waste of my time....Just feeling kinda stuck with this job....

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What do you do when you get that feeling of restlessness, like you should be doing something different in your life, but don't know what it is?

Lately I have just wanted something to change. I have been in Gainesville for over four years now at a start up company. I am waiting for the big pay off....but the past couple years have really left me feeling empty, like I need to be doing something different.

I usually move someplace completely different. It is always good for a change of pace.

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What do you do when you get that feeling of restlessness, like you should be doing something different in your life, but don't know what it is?

Usually - I asassinate a small herd of kittens.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
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The traveling/vacation thing is a great idea. I try to do it as often as I can. I went to the keys for a week in Jan, but all that made me do is want to quit my job and move down there!

The thing is, if I didn't have such an opportunity to make something of myself here, than I would have moved on a long time ago. If I try to move on now, than the four years will just have been a waste of my time....Just feeling kinda stuck with this job....

It really depends on what you mean by "make someting of yourself". If you mean career-wise, you really need to just use your best judgement as to what the chances are of there being a good payoff and make your decisions based on that.

I spent my first five years after college in a somewhat isolated small-townish environment in upstate New York. I felt horribly trapped and bored but the fear I felt while trying to get that first post-college job in a very tough job market was very fresh in my mind, so I was driven to put everything I had into work and did.

After a while, though, that feeling diminished and I wanted to enjoy the fruits of my labors and share my life with someone. Of course the someone I chose was a really, really bad choice, but that's another story.

Working for a startup company is very intense and it doesn't take that long to get awfully burned out. If that's the way you are feeling, you reall need to do something to clear your mind. You need to be able to evaluation the situation clearly. Businesses often use that "carrot and stick" technique to get you to hang in there so they can use you up until you have no more to give. That, unfortunately, is simply good business.

It is up to *you* to decide whether it really will be worth your while to hang in there. I don't envy you being in that position because I have experienced it. It's not fun at all. Regardless of whether you decide to stick around or move on, it's *always* a good thing to know what your options are. Check out the job market elsewhere and see what opportunities exist for you.

And by the way, if by "make something of myself" you meant someting other than career-wise, let me break the good news to you. I'm really sure that plenty of people here already consider you to be *somebody*!:)

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Thanks for that post. The 'making something of myself' that I am talking about relates to the success of the company. I have a very good chance of meeting my life goal of retiring at the age of 32. BUT, that entails staying where I am, and bustin my ass in this next year or so. I have put a lot into this company, and it would take a lot for them to let me go.....but I am the kinda person that needs/craves change.

I have been in my field for over five years now, so finding something that is equal to the pay would be no problem....but, I would have to walk away from a potential huge investment.

I do have a review due from December, so maybe I can use that opportunity to find something that will increase my motivation to stay.

Thanks for the input! :)

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Yes, I know your feeling. I'm stuck in a town that has nothing to offer someone my age. I have been with this firm for 5 years!! I was just thinking that today and it's time for me to fly.

I think it's because we took a trip to the Keys so early in the year, cause now, that's all I think about!![:/]

Come on girl, we gotta think of SOMETHING to get us through or you will be subjected to what I think we should do. ;) hee hee

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